Chapter 21: Their Capital. (Part 2)

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That night we camped near the road. Just past a layer of trees on top of a floor of carved stone. The rich flow of mana in the area was enough to keep the denizens of night away. Before I had recognised places to camp with Ardent's help or the layout of the land. Since the Goddess had gifted me the knowledge of magic to save Taylor however, I found myself more in tune with the world's mana. I still couldn't really use magic properly without the usual symptoms but it was a fresh perspective.

The sun had set and I was sitting beside the carriage washing some of the clothes and sheets from our journey. Our weapons and armour also needed a polish after facing the Demon Lord's fanatics so I was quite busy.

"Rain we need to talk," Ronalt's stern voice called from behind me and I turned to him naturally. The problem was his serious expression. He had been pretty good lately but now he was looking at me like it was my first week again. If he kept it up he could probably bore a hole through my head.

I stood up and replied politely, "Of course. If there is something you need I am more than willing to comply."

He flinched and I smirked internally. After a pause he resumed his intent gaze, "Rain, what is your relationship with Lara?"

"Huh?" I replied dumbly.

Ronalt firmed himself, "Since she has come to this world I have considered myself her Guardian. Her mission is dangerous and my desire is to protect her. The two of you have been close lately. Over the past few weeks I have learnt to trust and respect you. I consider you a friend but, even if it's you Rain, know that you must tread lightly."

"Whoa," I held up my hands defensively. "You've got the wrong idea." In fact, the thought of Lara and me in a relationship like he was insinuating made my stomach churn. If anything I was the one who should be acting in his place. "Lara is like a sister to me."

"So you say but men are men and you are young," he continued to stare at me.

I really couldn't be bothered explaining the whole situation and there was all the chance he'd think I was crazy. "You said you trusted me, trust me in this. Lara is important to me but not in that way. I want her to be happy just as much as you do."

He loosened a little, "I do trust you Rain, but I am still worried."

I sighed, "If you really want peace of mind...." A part of me really didn't want to say this, "I'm interested in Taylor not Lara."

Ronalt paused in surprise, "Oh...."


"I see, then umm," he looked around a little awkwardly before shaking himself firmly. "I wish you the best however until we finish our mission and journey please keep your priorities straight."

"I don't think I could do anything serious before we're done anyway," I sighed again. There was some serious tension around us now. The Demon's Capital was only a few days away and with the fanatics and what they were willing to do for the Demon Lord, we were all feeling a new sense of desperation to end the war before it begun.

"Well, I'll be off then," Ronalt nodded to me and slowly walked away back to the fire where Earnest, Marley and Lara were talking.

Thank the Goddess that was over. The pressure in his eyes had been truly frightening not to mention how awkward it became. I turned my back and went to work.

"Not so fast there Rain, I need to talk to you as well," Ardent called to me and I rotated to face him. What was this, my first week again? Why did everyone need to talk to me and worse still even Ardent was eyeing me seriously.

"Please go easy on me," I said wryly.

"I'm sorry but I have no intention to do so," Ardent frowned. It was small but I could feel mana begin to gather around me. He was preparing to stop me running away. "You've been hiding something from us."

"Am I not allowed to have secrets?" I asked apathetically.

"Not ones that can be dangerous. You saved Taylor's life and healed her with magic, for that I commend you, but just where did you get that knowledge from?" His eyes focused on to mine with a different light than Ronalt's. He truly believed I was a threat. "That circuit drawn into the ground was something I had never seen before but from what I could tell it had traces of magic belonging to Demons."

"Okay first, let's simmer down the tension." I did expect Ardent to call me out for this eventually but I thought he'd be more excited not wary. "I met the Goddess back in the Temple. It was a small chat but when Taylor was dying I begged the Goddess for a way to save her. The knowledge just kind of appeared."

His eyes narrowed further, "You expect me to believe that?"

"Hopefully yes because that's what happened. Come on Ardent trust me here. The last thing I want at this point is you trying to kill me."

"I wouldn't take it that far," he dropped his guard and I felt the mana around me lessen. "What else do you know?"

I filtered through my memories, "Quite a bit apparently." From the sheer volume I knew, it felt like I would have had to study for years if not decades.

"Draw the circuit you used on Taylor for me," Ardent handed me a paper and pencil.

"Sure," I did as I was told and began to draw the circuit at the nearby table. It was only pencil and had no mana instilled inside so the drawing was about useless. "Here you go."

Ardent however looked at me stunned and held the paper towards me, "You drew a circuit this complicated in not even ten seconds. That's... even I can't do that by hand so quickly. Even using magic to draw it, what you did was faster than most magicians."

"...." Okay that one I didn't know how to explain. Telling him I died again and again till I could get it right was a bit too much. "If it's any consolation it really hurt my head when the Goddess gave me the knowledge. Also I practically died when I tried to use it."

He sighed and laughed, "You truly are blessed Rain. I'll believe you. At least it doesn't seem you're lying."

"It's because I'm not," I said bluntly.

"When all this is over you really do need to come to the Magicians guild with me. We could learn so much from you," he smiled.

"Maybe one day," I returned the smile. "Now I really do have work to do so...."

"Yes, thank you for speaking with me," Ardent bowed his head and returned to the fire.

I sighed tiredly. First Ronalt then Ardent. Thankfully I had already trained with Earnest earlier so he'd leave me alone and Marley was fed enough. Lara should be fine, the only problem would be....

"You really do make me blush," Taylor's voice came from above me causing me to jump. Her head was poking out from the top of the carriage. "Saying you're interested in me, and then saying you begged the Goddess to save me. A girl can only be so lucky."

"You...," I stared at her disapprovingly. "Just so you know if we're really going to keep doing this, I am fond of privacy."

She smiled brightly, "Sorry, I just wanted to be close by." My heart thumped.

"It doesn't really matter," I gave in. "Anyway I really do have work to do."

"Need help?"

"No offense but you'll make me take longer."

"Hmph," she huffed. "Fine I'll just watch you from here." I wasn't sure if that was her being creepy or endearing.

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