Chapter 10: My Nightmare (Part 3)

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I was told this when I woke up. The siege had lasted four hours and came almost as a complete surprise to the Fortress Commander. If it hadn't been for Ronalt who had insisted he strengthen the guard the results could have gone far differently. The start of the siege was marked by a fire set in the plains north of the town. When I had thrown my bag the demons behind me panicked due to the rising flames sure that someone would come investigate. The result was a rush in their plans as they signalled for their army to rise. By the time they had charged forward however, the gate had been closed devolving the fight to a siege.

Not long after the south gate also faced the same assault almost falling to the demons. Spies hidden within the town struck from inside the walls delaying the gates closure forcing the guards to fight off the walls as the demons rushed to overwhelm them. At one point they had even made it inside the town however with the arrival of Ardent and Lara they were pushed back long enough to seal the gate. From then on it was a long fought siege on both sides of Greytree. The demons had the number advantage and tried to invade all around the town focusing their actions at the three main entrances. For a long while neither side showed an advantage and casualties rose on both sides. Reinforcements came from the border forest prolonging the conflict as the demons attacked in waves not letting the guards on the wall rest.

Finally Ronalt led an assault on the demon General taking the others and a group of trained knights. The sudden offensive caught the General off-guard but he fought bitterly to the end until Lara was able to capture him alive. With the loss of their General the demon army's command fell apart and not long after they retreated into the forest. All that happened and so much more, all the while I and Taylor were in the apothecary.

When I woke up the day had already passed and only traces remained. The grass near the walls was stained in blood but the bodies had been moved away to be burnt or buried. Chunks of Greytree's wall had fallen to pieces by the bombarding demon forces and the main gates needed a repair. The demon forces however were far gone across the border. The tunnel I had found was investigated and lead west however the demons had purposefully caved them in during their retreat. In the end Greytree survived though its occupants were shaken.

It was midday and instead of being in the inn I was standing before a table and the foreboding men behind it. Older men with stern expressions that made Ronalt's usual grim face look sweet in comparison. Seriously with him standing beside them you could really see the difference.

"And this is the young man who found the demons?" a grumpy looking man said while looking at me. His armour was gilded with gold and a badge stapled on his arm showed his rank. I assumed he was the Fortress Commander.

Ronalt answered, "Yes, this is Rain our steward. He was the one who informed me of the potential assault."

"And why exactly were you so convinced that the assault would occur that day?" his question was clearly directed at me.

I cleared my throat, "I wasn't 'convinced' Sir. The party I care for was scheduled to depart soon however before our leaving I and a companion of mine decided to inspect the local area. I am sure Sir Ronalt has explained my choice of location to you."

"He has," the commander nodded. "But even so to think the enemy would tunnel in is farfetched. It's almost as if you had been informed beforehand."

Ronalt turned his eye to him in a subtle glare, "Are you claiming my companion a spy?"

"Of course not," the commander shook his head. "I simply wanted to know his way of thinking such that I may enlighten myself."

"Is there anything else you may need of him?" Ronalt gestured to me.

"My thanks," the commander stood and bowed his head to me. "Regardless of the reason your actions and luck have saved my town. I will be sure to prepare you a suitable reward."

I bowed myself, "Thank you my lord. I am honoured to be of service."

Ronalt nodded, "Rain you may leave. I will be out shortly."

"Yes sir," I departed from the room as the guards opened and closed the door.

As soon as I was outside I breathed out a heavy relieving sigh. The atmosphere in that room had been palpable. If Ronalt hadn't been there I might have spilled my secrets from the pressure. For some reason I really doubted that they'd have believed me even if I had spoken the whole truth. Worst case they might have branded me a lunatic.

"I see you're finished," Taylor said greeting me. She was sitting with her legs crossed in the corridor.

"How did you get in here?" I asked genuinely. She hadn't come with us and on the way here the guards had been extra vigilant.

She scoffed, "Please."

I walked towards her, "How are you feeling? You must have just woke up."

"Great thanks to you," she stood up and took my hand. The sudden touch almost made me jump away but I endured curious as to what she was going to do. With slow and purposeful movements she bent down to one knee and took my hand to her lips kissing it gently. "You saved my life. I am now indebted to you, do with me as you like."

"Taylor I just did my job and besides you saved me first," I quickly went to make her stand. I liked Taylor as she was and I especially had no intention for a vassal like relation.

"Tch," she clicked her tongue. "No no Rain. This is the part where you're meant to hold me in your arms or push me against the wall saying 'then I shall take you now' or some romantic bullshit like that." The way she mimicked my voice irritated me more than it should have.

I let go of her and sighed, "And here I thought you were being serious."

"Well I kind of was," she smiled. "I do owe you one."

"Like I said you saved me first, we're even," I smiled back. "Anyway where's everyone else? I thought they were watching y-."

"Taylor!" and suddenly Lara was standing next to us. "So this is where you ran off to. Don't just leave like that!" Taylor was one thing but how did Lara get in here as well? Though knowing her she probably won not a small amount of fans in the fortress.

"Oops," Taylor apologised with a shrug.

"Whatever," Lara huffed. "Rain I see you're done."

"Mostly. I'm just waiting for Ronalt to finish," I replied and as if on cue the door opened. Ronalt stepped out and seeing us immediately approached.

"Lara, Taylor... I believe I asked you to wait at the inn," his eyes narrowed.

Taylor pointed to Lara, "She made me."

"No I didn't!" Lara exclaimed. The two of them were arguing like sisters.

Ronalt smiled softly, "It does not matter. Let's return to the inn. Unfortunately due to yesterday's siege we have much to talk about. For one we won't be leaving Greytree for the time being."

"Actually about that," I turned to Ronalt seriously. "I have a favour to ask."

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