Chapter 21: My night out. (Part 1)

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Chapter 21: My night out.

The sun set and the ship began to slow as the already large river joined into an enormous lake. Dozens of ships bigger and larger than ours filled the harbour and although the sky had darkened the water was lit by a sea of lights.

"Welcome to Citlia," the Captain announced and gestured his arms wide. "The jewel of all demon kind."

"It's... it's amazing," Lara's mouth gaped open.

I had to agree. It truly was a city and comparable to the Kingdom's capital. Even from where we were we could see the expanse of buildings spread across the shore and spill on top the water. Despite it being the end of the day, the city showed no sign of quieting down.

"We'll be docked in an hour or so. I hope you've enjoyed your stay," the Captain doffed his hat to Ronalt, two arms on the wheel and two arms on his hat.

"That we did good sir," Ronalt nodded.

We crowded on top the deck as the trading vessel was guided to the dock and tied down. As usual for a demon town the variety of people was truly astounding and here more than any other. While the crew members worked, I stepped aside and talked to the Captain.

"Do you mind if I ask what kind of place is Citlia?"

He grinned and folded his four arms, "Citlia is the never sleeping city. It's existed for over a century and has been the main trade centre for all demonkind. The four great rivers that stretch through our lands all gather here. Before the Lord came to power we considered this place our Capital."

"Anyplace you'd recommend?" I asked.

He looked at me slyly, "You're a young man aren't you? Though I know the horned tribe can be quite modest in nature, you should really consider taking some time to 'enjoy' the more exotic districts." He patted my shoulder with one hand, "I know those two young lassies have been on your mind but trust me, it'll give you some relief and it's always nice to try a race other than your own."

"...." I didn't know how to respond to that. I was thinking of a tavern or gambling house, maybe a theatre.

He laughed and slapped me on the back, "Well it's time to part ways."

I tripped forwards as he left.

We said our final thanks and after the Captain recommended an inn we boarded the carriage and headed through the streets. There was no lack of light at all and hundreds of demons in different shapes and sizes walked together. Because of its nature as a trading city the flow of commerce never ended and all throughout the night ships would come and go. The stores and markets were always open, if I needed anything it really was just a matter of popping down the corner. As for the denizens of night, there were enough people here that they'd never come anywhere close.

I parked the carriage at the inn and laid out some fresh food for Pina. Together with the others we enjoyed a pleasant dinner and I savoured the different cuisine. Although the others found the taste new, to me it reminded me of home. The spices and flavours coming from the herbs we'd trade with Servius' family. The entire time and since this afternoon however I had been avoiding Lara. The others hadn't noticed as I used my excuse of work and secluded myself.

We ate dinner together quite late and split ways to sleep the night. Instead I stayed awake. It was nice having a private room again and it was large enough that I could stretch my legs. For a while I did nothing but think. I needed to find out just what was wrong with me if I wanted to keep my sanity. With how I felt when I talked to Lara sometimes it really did feel like another person existed inside me. The problem was I couldn't tell how long it had been there. Lara's memories had certainly caused it to react more lately but even before then, there were times with Lara that seemed odd.

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