Chapter 9: My Waking Dream. (Part 6)

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I regretted my decisions. Ronalt, Earnest, Lara, Ardent, Taylor and even Marley... they were all stronger than me and it was painfully clear. I spent my morning with Ronalt and my afternoon with Earnest. I also spent most of that time lying in the ground. And now alone I sat in a tavern nursing my ego with alcohol. I'll make it clear, I knew I was weak but I thought with the amount of potions I had made it would last me till the invasion. I ran out of them before I could even notice. In fact my side was still sporting a hefty bruise. To them I was like a punching bag for exercise, though at least a bag could take a few more hits.

"Bartender another please," I raised my empty glass. The man nodded and poured the amber liquid into a new glass before sliding it to me deftly. I sipped it and let the strong taste burn down my throat.

"So what brings you here?" the man came closer deciding to talk. About right considering it was still quite early and the place was quiet. Include that this was my third glass and he thought I probably deserved the attention.

"Staying awhile while they fix my carriage," I answered and held the glass up towards the light admiring the way the colour shone through.

"North, east or south?"

I smirked, "If I said west?"

The man laughed boisterously, "Maybe you've had a few too many if that were true."

"Maybe I haven't had enough," I drained the glass and gestured for another.

"Slow down boy. You might be young but you haven't even been here half an hour. That's the local specialty, it's stronger than the usual mix." Despite his warning he poured out another. A paying customer was a paying customer after all.

"It's good," I complimented the drink favourably. "There's a slight burn but the after taste is smooth. Do you smoke it?"

"Trade secret," he winked. "You a driver or passenger?"

"Driver," I answered easily, the alcohol loosening my tongue and smile. "You know the roads aren't too safe these days. I've been killed Goddess knows how many times."

"Killed? You look quite alive to me."

"Then I've fooled you," I laughed. "Bandits, demons, my own companions, that Goddess be damned Monster.... Until you experience it you don't realise how fragile your life really is."

"Sounds rough," the man nodded along.

"I like you," I pointed to him. "What's your name?"

"Arston, yours?"


"A pleasure to meet you Rain."

"The pleasure is all mine Arston," I grinned giddily. "Ah it's is empty...." I pointed my glass to him.

"Damn do you go through those quickly," he poured me another. "If you joined in the competition you might just win."

"Oh? I like competitions," I sipped at the new drink happily. My worries seemed so far away right now and Arston was fun to talk to. He didn't know me, he didn't even really care, and there was no reason for him to kill me.

"Well if you're still here in a week's time we'll be having our annual Greytree parade. The man and lady who drinks the most are crowned King and Queen."

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