Chapter 19: My breath of air. (Part 2)

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"Rain. Hey Rain wake up," Lara's voice prodded at my consciousness.

In seconds my brain began to fire once more and my eyes opened fully awake, "What is it?" Judging from the light just outside the tunnel entrance it was still night. From how I felt I judged it was about 2 or 3 in the morning. The warmth from the fire was now only a pile of smouldering coals.

"Someone triggered my sensor and is heading this way," she looked to the outside warily. Beside us Marley was also rousing but slower.

"How many people and do you know them?"

"Two and no," she shook her head.

"Alright," I stood up. "You two wait here. I'll head outside and investigate."

"Wait, isn't that dangerous?" Lara's hand gripped my sleeve. "Shouldn't I go?"

"You can't hide well," I replied bluntly. "If something happens I'm sure you'll come save me."

She looked at me miffed knowing I was right. Despite all her talents, it was in her personality to stand in the front. Even the best magic wouldn't work if you wanted to be seen. In that regard it suited her. A Hero's job was to stand before anyone else.

"Fine go," she was still worried.

"Don't worry I'll scream if I need you," I patted myself down and exited the tunnel.

The moon barely shone through the clouds and beneath the forest branches it was almost pitch black. Years of training had given me an edge in the dark and my eyes adjusted quickly as I blended my presence into the surrounding foliage. It didn't take long at all for me to find who Lara was talking about. They came through the forest in a well-hidden path that even I may have missed. A small white light guided their steps as they whispered to one another.

"Are you sure you saw smoke coming from here?" a tall demon asked. He was wearing makeshift armour and carried a longsword on his back. Feral eyes glowed beneath his hood as he followed the path.

"It wasn't much but it could be those traders we saw slip overboard," the other replied. He was wearing armour in a similar vein but held a bow in his hands and a short pair of wings tucked into his back.

"Tch," the tall one spat. "That entire assault was a waste of time. It took us months to tame that bloody Kraken and it was almost useless against them."

"That's because whoever else was on their boat wasn't part of the plan," the other scowled. "If we can at least find them then we might just be able to make it even if we sell them as slaves."

"Here's hoping they were women," the tall one smiled. "We can at least relieve some stress before we cash them in."

"Okay enough of that. Pipe down we're getting close." They reached the edge of the river leading to the tunnel. The entire time I had been sneaking nearby. Their movements were trained and they ducked into the shadows beside me, slowly creeping closer. Too bad for them I was already waiting. Now that I knew they were the pirates who had attacked us there was no need for me to be merciful. Those that kill must be prepared to die themselves. That being said, they still could be a good source of information. I prepared to pounce. In the end I only needed one alive.

My attack was swift. Before the tall one could even realise what was going on I had drawn the knife at his waist and plunged it into his neck. His scream drowned to nothing as he gasped in shock. The feel of the blade cutting into his flesh was as usual distasteful. It wasn't something I could ever get used to and as his blood dripped down my arm I could only scowl coldly. His partner turned to see me, hearing the gurgle of death. I kicked the body in my arms forward. It fell limp towards the demon and in a panic he dodged backwards only for me to appear from behind it. He managed to draw his sword and swung it wildly. Compared to Earnest it was child's play and passed over my head harmlessly. I gripped his arm with my free hand and turned it against him with a crude snap. He screamed in pain as I forced him to the ground, his partner's knife now placed against his throat.

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