Chapter 23: My Fate (Part 2)

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Somehow we were still able to leave early the next morning. The Valtres was sent back to Greytree with our reply. Pina and the carriage were loaded for the journey. The two rooms had been remodelled since we had arrived in Axel. One as the main bedroom with a double bed and the other for guests. Taylor insisted we sleep in the same room, something I had been trying to refrain from. The walls of the carriage had already been soundproofed, something that Taylor told me she had tested beforehand. In the end however I couldn't do anything especially with Earnest so close by.

We left Axel with some teary goodbyes and took the two day journey towards Waltersea Port. Along the way we passed by the Queen's Villa. It was quite far but I could just make out the figure of Aunt Nera waving to us from the balcony. She really was taking some liberties to say goodbye to us. Along the way to the port nothing much happened. If anything it was incredibly quiet with only Earnest and Taylor. Earnest wasn't one to talk all too much to begin with and kept to his own hobbies. He had picked up sewing while he was in Axel and now instead of sleeping slowly worked at knitting a scarf. A strange sight to see for the composed swordsman.

Waltersea Port marked the old border of the Kingdom before their invasion to the demon lands and was named after the explorer who first settled there. It was a decent sized place with a population of several thousands and upon arriving we quickly found the ship the Queen had prepared for us. It was a sleek vessel made more for speed than comfort and as soon as we were on board with Pina and the carriage, the ship left the port.

I looked at the map the Captain had given me. We were travelling not far from the southern edge of the continent in open seas. This would cross to the Empire's territory and from their head upriver to the Empire's capital. In total it was a week long journey, much faster than what it would have taken us by carriage.

Earnest leaned on the rail next to me, "You and Taylor are certainly having a lot of fun these days."

I closed the map and turned to him red faced, "I'm just going to say this but we haven't gone that far."

He stifled a laugh, "That is not what I meant Rain... I was simply observing your smiling faces."

"Oh...," well now I was even more embarrassed. I changed the subject forcefully, "Have you been to the Empire?"

He nodded, "On my way to the Kingdom I passed through. It is a place of... differences. The rich and poor, the strong and weak. I did not stay long."

"I see...."

"Though the women there were quite fine," he smirked slovenly.

"Once we're done in the Empire what are you going to do?" I had to ask.

"Hmm," he looked at me. "I haven't quite finished training you but perhaps I'll take to the west."

"You're not going home?"

He laughed spitefully, "I don't have that right. Not yet at least."

"You ever going to tell me why?"

I expected him to wave it off but he faced me seriously, "I was banished Rain."

"Huh?" I internally slapped myself, "Ah- Um, I'm sure that you have your own circumstances. It's fine you don't need to-."

He continued, "I killed my Master, the other students and stole his sword."

For a moment I could only stare at him blankly wondering if this was a joke. Unfortunately Earnest was not one to joke much and his expression held no mirth. "And you were only banished?" I mean for that amount of work, usually you'd be put in jail or killed.

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