Chapter 6: My kidnapping. (Part 1)

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Chapter 6: My kidnapping.

"You did well today," Earnest nodded and put away his practice sword.

"Screw you," I huffed while laying battered on the ground. At that point being polite was the last thing on my mind.

"Hmph," Earnest smirked and walked off with a happy hum.

The sun had barely risen and when I woke to prepare breakfast Earnest was already waiting outside with a wooden sword in hand. I somehow managed to persuade him to wait till I was done with my duties but no sooner than when I finished he attacked. He seriously attacked me. Out of nowhere he threw a sword at me and swung for my side. He even had the nerve to berate me for not blocking it in time. Of course I wasn't going to block it in time. I was still wearing my damn apron!

I looked up to the sky brightening above me. If my body wasn't hurting from all the bruising I would have enjoyed the view. From the corner of my eye Marley walked over me.

"Hey is breakfast ready yet?" she asked with a grating indifference.

"Y-yes, but first if you could please help me I would be grateful," I replied with a weak smile.

"Hmm I don't know," her expression became conflicted. "I'm pretty tired. Then again if you would promise to do something for me I think I could spare some energy."

You're kidding me. Was she extorting me? I always knew she was evil on the inside.

I sighed, "What do you want?"

"Those sandwiches you made on the first day, I want to eat those again!" she smiled excitedly.

"That might be a problem...."

"Why?" she tilted her head.

"Because I ran out of ingredients for the sauce I use. I'll make it for you once we get to the next town so please could you-,"

"No," she huffed. "I want to eat it today." Why this spoilt brat!

"Like I said-,"

"Ah too bad. Looks like you'll have to spend the rest of the day cut up and bruised. Not that I mind." There it was again that creepy smile she made whenever someone got hurt.

"F-fine!" I gave in. "I'll do something about it so just heal me please."

"It's a deal," she cheered and stretched out her hands. A warm green glow enveloped my body and within seconds my swelling wounds deflated. "You better keep your promise. If you don't the next time Earnest beats you black and blue I really might be too tired."

I had to hide my scowl, "Right...." It was easier when I tried to stay away from them.


Due to my promise with Marley I parked the carriage for lunch earlier than usual. To make the sauce for the sandwiches I was missing a relatively rare herb. Yes I could make without it but it just wouldn't be the same and the chef inside me refused to cut corners. Luckily the forest nearby was known to have the herbs in surplus and it wouldn't take me long to find some.

I managed to convince Marley to give me till dinner as she continued to look at me expectantly while I prepared lunch.

During the meal I turned to Ronalt, "Ronalt there are a few herbs in the forest I'd like to collect before we leave."

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