Chapter 9: My Calm (Part 3)

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With Marley's help by the next day I was able to move around properly. The tension in my muscles had been eased away but the occasional jitter still crossed through my body. All in all I was incredibly happy especially considering how it could have been. I could finally relax and I had every intention to do so.

The streets of Greytree were full of life. While it was a fortress town to defend the border it was also one of the major trading points between the south and the north sides of the Kingdom. Though it was still called a town, the amount of housing and the ever increasing populace was edging it to being a city. The training fields once used to march the soldiers was now filled with new establishments and smaller market areas. There were even plans to shift the walls to make more room. Despite it being so close to the border the town had almost no worries about the demons. After all it was a heavily defended fortress with high walls. A force capable of overcoming it hadn't been seen in decades.

I enjoyed the fresh air and wondered the paths of the city. I had visited several times before with my family when we needed special made equipment but unlike home this place was always changing.

"Rain are you sure you should be out so soon?" Lara asked me.

"As long as I don't push myself I'll be fine," I smiled in reply. Together with Taylor the two had been following me around to make sure I wouldn't collapse. Though Taylor's reasoning was much more loose and towards the 'I'm bored let's do something' persuasion.

We made our way to the workshop close by the inn and where our carriage had been parked for repairs. I looked at the familiar vehicle regretfully. The metal finishing's had been dented and bent, the wheels looked like they'd collapse and the suspension on one side was all but destroyed. Where the acid had hit, large chunks of wood had been burnt off. Thankfully the enchantments holding it together were working and the space inside hadn't been damaged. As expected of something made by the Kingdom's finest.

A large man walked out of the shop to greet us, "Good afternoon. If you're here for the carriage it'll still be a few days till it's ready."

"Ah Mr Bents," Lara turned to him. "Thank you for the work. We're just here to take a look."

"No problem. I've got most the parts ready, just waiting on the blacksmith for the rest. Your, ah, magician friend came by to inspect it this morning."

"He's a wizard," I said unconsciously.

The man waved my comment away, "All those magic types look the same to me. Anyway should be done in four days or so."

"How's Pina?" I asked and looked around to the back of the building. I could see several other birds and some horses inside the stables.

"The bird? I'll let you see for yourself," he gestured for us to follow and led us though a tall gate. "She's an energetic one but well behaved. Caught her jumping over the fence for fun."

As soon as we turned the corner we entered a small field of grass. Other Paradise Moas like Pina were relaxing in the sun. Their array of colours were quite a sight. A certain pink one however locked on to us immediately and hounded over. She skidded to a stop as I held out my hands to greet her. The pink bird purred and rubbed its head into mine.

I ruffled her feathers, "It's good to see you too."

We spent a few minutes with Pina before leaving for the local market. Several stalls had been set up in a small square behind the main street. The men and women running them stood welcomingly letting their loud voices boom over each other to attract customers. Even being in the afternoon the place was cramped.

Taylor twisted her lips displeased, "Ugh, I hate crowds."

"I won't be long," I said apologetically.

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