Chapter 21: My Demon Lord (Part 3)

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As the first rays of the sun spread across the horizon we moved into the city. With how we were dressed we were careful to avoid attention on our way towards the memorial. In the case things didn't pan out here, we'd have to go back and get changed but by all means we'd come prepared now. The populace still hadn't woken and hardly anyone mingled the streets making our arrival quick and easy. The memorial was empty like it ordinarily was.

Lara shivered, "This place gives me the spooks."

"Indeed," Ronalt agreed and then gestured, "Let's move." We headed to the southern end which faced away from the Demon Lord's mansion. From there we spread out and began to search the area with our various abilities. Minutes passed quickly as we began to feel more rushed. My hands and feet guided me towards an inconspicuous tree. There was a single headstone beneath it, the thick stone firmly planted in the earth. Behind it however a circuit was drawn in light grey paint that resonated with mana. An untrained eye would have missed it and as I read the circuit, I understood. It was a keyhole. My chest tightened in pain as mana drained naturally from my palm into the stone almost without me doing anything at all. A click resounded and slowly the headstone collapsed into the earth revealing a case of stairs.

"Found it," I proclaimed unevenly. It felt a little too easy.

Ronalt approached, "Let's just hope it leads the right way." He took the first steps down and we followed closely behind. No one let down their guard as our steps echoed down the stone surroundings. They were undecorated, bare and fully practical. Aside from the occasional crystal shining light down the path there wasn't much else.

The path turned towards the Demon Lord's mansion as the stairs tapered away to a smooth floor. The tight corridor opened allowing us to stand three aside. Ronalt and Lara led the way, while Earnest kept a few steps behind. The silence created a palpable tension but no one dared break it. There was no telling what laid behind the next corner. My heart however was strangely calm and soon enough the passage widened even more till we found ourselves in a large room. The roof stretched upwards close to ten metres. Pillars of marble supported it as seemingly thick stone walls lined the side. Brightly lit, there was only one way out ahead of us.

As Ronalt stepped further into the room a single step replied as an echo from the other side.

A cold voice I recognised spoke, "I've been waiting for you."

Out from the shadows of the corridor the Demon Lord appeared, his feet gracefully approaching. Like I had seen him before, his hair was a pale blue and his eyes a cold silver. Unlike before however he now wore a complete set of armour and a cloak, the stone in his chest reflected gold towards us and a pure black sword hang at his side.

"Demon Lord," Ronalt choked out the words.

"You are correct," the Demon Lord replied smoothly. "Caius Vel Bartar of the Stone-heart tribe. Demon Lord and bane of humans. I welcome you for getting this far. Now take off those fake horns, it disgusts me."

No one made a move to do so. Instead Lara stepped forward, "Please Demon Lord Caius, we're not here to make war. We just want to talk."

"Silence!" he drew his sword and a wave of wind blew past us. "I've talked with you enough already. Nothing you say will change what needs to be done. You humans are a plague that needs to be quelled in our world. Only when you've faced the same hells that we have can we truly find peace."

"No!" Lara yelled back. "We've travelled both sides and I've seen we're the same. So please listen, it doesn't have to end this way."

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