Chapter 13: Their differences. (Part 3)

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In the morning I had packed our small carriage with Pina ready to go. She was quite happy to move again and I could see she had gotten a little plumper, most likely due to the children feeding her snacks. Servius and his father had their traders ready to leave but there was just one problem in the form of Ardent cheerily sitting on the wagon in excitement. My intention was for him to stay because I didn't want to bother Servius and his family but the man had somehow pressured Servius' father into telling the truth. When I asked what happened, he replied, "Your friend Ardent has quite the mouth, before I knew it I had already lost." The man himself was happy to get a free ride into the Demon's territory.

"Rain." I turned to see Mattias and my other parents waiting. He continued to speak, "It's sad to see you go again so soon but it's for the best. We hope you enjoy yourself."

"I'll be fine," I smiled encouragingly.

Margaret pushed a small pouch into my hands, "Just in case you need to make things go boom."

I warily took the pouch, "Umm thank you." To be honest I would probably need it.

"It's a new recipe I made myself, the instructions are in the bag. Do be careful. Also if you find any interesting reagents please feel free to bring back a souvenir."

I nodded.

"Rain take this with you as well," Tarhand, our blacksmith, passed me a sheathed sword. "Please treat it well. It's been a while since I have created anything as brilliant as that and I am proud of it."

"Thank you," I took the sword and replaced the one I had borrowed. It was a little heavier but felt ten times sturdier. Curious I unsheathed the blade and couldn't help notice the lack of light reflecting from it. "What is this?"

"A sword I made just for you," he spoke proudly. "With the Master Wizard you would have realised your mana situation."


"A knight's sword responds to mana, which won't do you much good. That blade doesn't need it. I guarantee it won't shatter to anything."

Before I could respond Lane jumped onto me tightly, "Why does he have to leave again, what if he gets hurt?"

Walter pulled her off, "Now you don't be clingy, the boys a grown man. Rain keep yourself straight. If you get into a fight the missy behind you is capable, that I know." I looked behind me to see Taylor swinging her legs off the carriage without care. She waved.

"But... but," Lane continued to mope. Her eyes spotted the sword in my hand and in a sudden whip, she snapped at Tarhand. "You! Twenty years you refused to make that sword for me and now you give it to Rain!"

Tarhand huffed, "It didn't suit you, and besides is there anything wrong gifting it to our beloved son?"

"Ah I guess you're right...," she backed off but was now looking at him with an odd tinge of jealously. I had to wonder just how expensive the sword was.

I smiled. "Thanks everyone. I won't be gone too long."

"Just come home in one piece." It was impossible for me not to considering I'd just come back to life. It was them I was worried about. Ardent had prepared all the defences he could over the past few days and I had warned Mattias to be wary of any strangers. If something went wrong we would know, but with any hope we'd find them first.

A few more gifts were pressed towards me including food and provisions. It was like I had left the last time. It barely fit into the carriage. I lined Pina next to the rest of the caravan as we said our final goodbyes.

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