Chapter 19: My breath of air. (Part 5)

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Armed demons immediately ran towards the ship as I kicked down the gangway. They stormed up and pointed their spears at me.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" A stubborn faced man with horns similar to Ronalt's yelled at me.

"I have two girls on board who are poisoned!" I shouted back. "I don't care what happens to me later but right now they need help."

His eyes moved past me to the where the pirates were tied up and the feather haired demon cowered behind the wheel. "By the Goddess, it's Redrick's pirate crew."

"Now's not the time for that," I glared at them.

A spear pointed towards my neck, mere inches away, "There's always time."

I frowned, "I was on a trading vessel yesterday and it was attacked. My companions and I went overboard, we managed to get the upper hand on the pirates. They were poisoned. I'm an apothecary, please the supplies I need are on the trading vessel."

The horned demon's eyes gazed into mine trying to discern the truth. He grunted, "Search the ship! As for you, lead me to your companions."

I did as I was told and showed them into the captain's cabin. Lara had her eyes closed now and Marley was no longer even twitching. "Do you believe me now?"

He gestured to two demons behind him, "Help him with what he needs but do not lose sight of him."

"Yes sir!" they saluted.

I bowed my head, "Thank you."

"Hurry, they don't look like they have long," he turned away to deal with the pirates. Despite his stubborn expression, it looked like he was an understanding guy. That or maybe my desperation broke into him.

I guided the demons to carry Lara and Marley as we disembarked the ship. On the docks clearly in sight was the trading ship we had used before. I thanked the Goddess they hadn't left and ran towards it. By now a crowd had gathered and we pushed through. A hand grabbed onto me.

"Rain!" it was Ronalt. His stern eyes glossed me over. "You're alive. Good."

I grabbed on to him, "Where's the carriage!?"

"It's on the dock, why?" he finally saw Lara and Marley being carried. His eyes widened in disbelief. "Go ahead Rain, I'll bring them to you."

I ran to the dock and waiting unassumingly was the carriage. Pina was curled up beside it protectively and cocked her head up as I approached. At first she was happy to see me but seeing my behaviour she quickly backed away from the door giving me space. I threw open the carriage and as quickly as I could began to set up my equipment, digging through the cupboards and storage for all the things I could possibly need. Ronalt arrived soon after and laid Marley and Lara into their beds. The two guards were surprised to see the inside of the carriage but said nothing. The first thing I did was bolster their strength with the premade potions I had. Lara was able to swallow the liquid however Marley had more trouble. In the end I had to do it mouth to mouth. The girl could yell at me all she wanted later.

Next I sampled their blood and inspected their wounds. It had already been hours and almost nothing of the poison remained. I cursed myself. At this point in time it was incredibly difficult to find an antidote. I focused on my teachings, their symptoms, the pattern of the lines, what reagents were safe, what I could use now, methods to do anything that could help them even a little. In my desperation I commanded the guards to interrogate the pirates for anything they knew. My eyes glaring down told them they couldn't refuse and one ran off immediately. Ronalt went to find Ardent and alone I worked away.

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