Chapter 11: My Way Forward. (Part 1)

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Chapter 11: My Way Forward.

I was naked again. The same as before an expanse of white surrounded me. My mind was a blur, still trying to settle down the torment it had just gone through. The memories and images were clear but at the same time they weren't, like I was being held in stasis. I stood still waiting but no one came. Finally I looked down and there at my feet was a piece of paper casting no shadow and on it perfectly typed black ink.

Forgive her. It was not her fault.

Just what was it talking about? My chest suddenly hurt and I could once more see Taylor's knife sticking through my chest. It vanished as soon as it appeared. Was that what the note was referring to but why wouldn't she tell me herself? Still nobody came and with that the world collapsed.


My eyes opened to the familiar inn room. I was back in Greytree. I couldn't waste any time, I needed to get back home to Axel. My body reacted painfully as the muscles struggled to move the way I wanted. Before I knew it I had collapsed from the bed to the floor. The nightmare came like a torrent forcing me to cringe. Their bodies piled high, the look of horror plastered to their thin faces, the black mess sprawled across the ground. It fuelled me to keep moving.

"Rain what are you doing!?" Taylor jumped through the window dropping her bag causing apples to roll across the ground. Her hands pulled me to stand.

"I need to go," I grit my teeth and used her support.

"What you need to do is get back in bed," she forcefully pulled me back.

I turned to snap at her but my words caught in my mouth. Forgive her. Instead I grit my teeth, "Just let me go."

"No," she shook her head. "I've seen people like you Rain. You're one step away from a bad idea."

"I need to go home," I tried to push her away but without her I couldn't even stand. "They're in danger."

"Look I'm not sure what you think is going on but you've been asleep for days now. The Monster is dead, we're safe."

"But they're not," I couldn't think straight. A fog had descended over my mind but what I did know was that I was running out of time.

The door opened and Lara stepped through, Ronalt behind her. She looked at me struggling to pull away from Taylor and her trying to force me into bed. It was clear she was confused.

Her eyes focused on me, "Rain are you okay?"

"He's not," Taylor said immediately. "He's gone crazy."

"I'm not crazy!" I shouted and ignored them both turning to Ronalt. "You owe me."

He looked at me in surprise and turned his head away in shame, "That I do. Had I listened we would never had to face that Monster. I- I apologise." He bowed his head.

"I don't care about that just let me go!"

"Rain?" Lara stared at me shocked and Taylor's grip loosened. I slipped through her fingers and crumpled to the floor on my knees. "You want to leave?"

Ronalt knelt down beside me, "Rain, I understand what happened could have been avoided but we still need you. Her highness the Queen was right to choose you to help us. I see that now."

I turned my eyes to his, "You want me to go with you? Fine, I Rain Axel of Axel swear to journey with Lara the Hero and her party, but, only if you let me leave now."

Ronalt's gaze hardened, "Where is it that you want to go?"

"Axel," I replied stiffly.

"Why? This does not seem like a simple visit home. If something is of the matter perhaps I can assist you."

I felt my jaw clench. He was right. If I brought everyone to Axel then no matter what happened I was sure they could save us. The image of Greytree in flames seared into my mind.

"I had a dream...," I began slowly. "In that dream I saw my family, my friends, everyone in Axel they had been butchered and killed. Believe me or not but it wasn't just a dream. If I don't go now they'll die."

"That's-," Ronalt's expression was clear, he thought I was crazy but then something odd happened. His eyes met mine and in them I could see the reflection of my half crazed and dogged state. He relaxed. "Understood. I'll let you go and in return as promised you will travel with us once more."

"Thank you Ronalt," I gripped his hand whole heartedly.

He helped me stand, "No need to thank me. However if you were to go by yourself you'd simply be fodder for the beasts and monsters not to mention the denizens. I'll go wi-."

"You can't," I refused him. "I- I didn't just dream of Axel but Greytree as well. Call me crazy but you need to stay. Three days from now the demons will attack."

"That's a strong claim Rain."

I continued, "The Monster we killed was a natural wall. With it dead there's nothing to stop us or them to launch an invasion in these parts. You know what that means." He nodded. "Good, in my dream I saw the demons rise from a tunnel they dug near the south and north gates."

"I'll look into it. I owe you that much. Regardless you need an escort-,"

Taylor cut in, "Then I'll go with him." She shrugged while stretching, "I was beginning to feel a bit cramped here anyway. Besides Lara will be able to find me wherever I am." The collar on her neck flickered.

"Then I'll go to-," Lara began.

"No," Ronalt and I both dismissed her. Our eyes met again but quickly looked away. This cycle's Ronalt didn't trust me as much. Of course he wouldn't want Lara to go with me. As for me, I couldn't have her come, she needed to stay to protect Greytree. But in return I had my own claim.

"Lend me Ardent," I said bluntly. "If he's with me you can contact us with magic somehow right?"

"We could," Ronalt nodded. "You'll need to ask him yourself but I don't see why he would refuse."

"Thank you," I bowed. "Really... thank you." With this I had enough power to turn the tides. All I needed now was to get home in time. In a sudden rush my energy left me and I almost fell catching myself just in time.

"First however, you need to recover."

"Call Marley," I didn't care if she was busy, I'd owe her anything if it meant getting to Axel in time.

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