Chapter 9: My Waking Dream. (Part 3)

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My next stop was the apothecary. After talking with Mala, the owner, I got permission to use his equipment and began to spend the next few hours crafting potions. I needed them for what I had planned next. It was clear to me that I wasn't strong enough. As soon as I lost my bow I was almost useless aside from being a distraction and even though I had made it to the Hero's side in the end all I could do was die in front of her. My sacrifice wasn't even helpful. I was just glad I didn't have to see what came after.

By noon I had aligned multiple boxes and each one held several sets of vials. It should have taken longer but I splurged and bought the proper catalysts to quicken the reactions. My teacher only used them in emergency and they were expensive but with the Queens money the impact it had on us was insignificant. If my teacher ever crossed the same amount of money I feared what she would do.

There was a commotion out the front of the store just as I finished and I poked my head from the back room to see Mala staring down below the counter.

A boy's voice shouted, "Please I just need some medicine she's been sleeping for days now!"

Mala sighed, "I can't just give you it kid. This stuff is expensive."

I moved closer and peered over the counter. It was Michael. My mind seared in pain as his body crumpled over, an arrow through his chest as his sister cradled him lifelessly.

"Agh," I groaned and shook it off.

"Sorry were we disturbing you?" Mala apologised.

"No it's fine," I waved it off. "Umm kid did you say you needed some help?"

"You- are you an apothecary!?" he looked at me with bright eyes. Seeing those same eyes so full of life crushed into my heart and I felt my hands tighten.

"You could say that," I smiled softly.

"My sister is sick and she hasn't woken up in days. Please help her," he begged earnestly waving his hands.

I knew his sister would be fine even if I did nothing. Eventually the monster possessing her would leave once it had its fill and return to the forest. They were harmless enough. In fact some people used them to induce a coma like effect. Still... I couldn't refuse, "I'll take a look."

"Good sir," Mala turned to me. "You don't have to help the boy."

"I know," I smiled ironically. "You're a good business man Mala but don't lose touch. Here's my payment." I handed him several gold coins and packed my boxes into a bag.

"Sir this is too much," he replied honestly and began to sift through his change box.

I stopped him, "Keep it. If anyone who needs it comes in, help them with that money."

"Ah yes sir," he bowed. "You are a better man than I."

I walked away mumbling, "I'm really not." For one it wasn't my money. I was just satisfying the guilt in my chest. Seeing the town in flames, all those dead.... I agreed with Earnest back then and I still felt that way. This was me trying to pay for it.

"This way," Michael tugged on my sleeves bringing me back to my senses.

"Hold on there," I patted his head gently. The problem was how I handled the monster possessing his sister. I could easily get it out but killing it was another matter. To kill something like that you needed magic or a weapon that could use magic of which I had none. Worst case it would end up possessing me and then I'd really be in trouble.

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