Chapter 17: Our Demons. (Part 2)

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When I eventually came to I was staring into a cloud filled night sky. The crackle of the fire resounded next to me filling me with warmth. I tentatively moved my arm. There was a slight soreness but everything seemed okay. I looked down to see my entire sleeve torn to shreds and stained with blood.

"Rain you're up," Lara said happily.

I rose to a sitting position my head spinning, "How long have I been out?"

"Around half an hour. Marley healed you."

I looked around, "I'll have to- what are you doing?" It was an odd sight. Beside where Lara was standing Earnest was kneeling in the sand. Ronalt, Ardent and Taylor stood around him disapprovingly.

"We're scolding him," Lara said seriously. "Training is fine but he's taken it too far one too many times."

Marley sighed from behind me, "I guess you won't be getting injured so much anymore."

"No I'm pretty sure there'll be plenty of opportunity for that," I had to refute her.

"Really?" Marley smiled to me excitedly. Creepy. A bright smile like that shouldn't be what you're doing. I chose to ignore her and returned my attention to Earnest.

"Umm don't you think he looks a little pitiable?" I said.

"He could have killed you," Taylor frowned. "I still think we put weights on him so he really understands."

"No, well, it was my fault for trying to block it. If I did nothing I'd be fine," or at least I thought so.

Earnest nodded, "Exactly. I had complete control of the situation."

Ronalt sighed, "If you had complete control you wouldn't have shattered his arm or dislocated his shoulder."

"Like I said it was a test to see how far he'd come and he passed remarkably."

Ardent clonked him over the head, "We don't require tests like that. Even a guild like the Magicians guild prioritizes safety above all else. You could at least show the same concern."

Earnest bowed his head, "I understand." He was totally lying. For a moment his eyes had met mine and there was no desire to hold back, in fact they were heated with interest. Ardent had similar eyes when he talked about magic.

"Just take things in moderation," Ronalt said and allowed Earnest to stand. He looked at me, "Though I can see why Earnest's interest is so peaked. We were not separated long but even from that single movement I could see your skills have increased by leaps and bounds."

"I just went over what I was taught," I smiled wryly. All the effort and training I had gone through with the two of them never happened in the cycle. It was only because my body remembered that I could move so well.

"And for you to stop my attack twice now....," Earnest's eyes locked on to me again. "I won't have you saying beginner's luck this time."

I laughed forcefully, "I kind of just did what I did the first time."

"I see," he nodded.

It was time to end this before they grew more suspicious of me, "It's getting late and I'm tired from the healing. We need to be up early."

"Rain is right." Ronalt clapped his hands, "Let's wrap this up." While no one was looking I breathed out in relief. When Earnest had begun to draw his sword the memory from that time took over. If I had more self-control I would have just let it happen but in the actual situation my body acted in a fight or flight manner, choosing clearly to fight. Whether I could be happy with that I wasn't sure.

With a groan Earnest rose from his kneeling position, the fact that he had trouble standing a testimony to how severe his scolding was. As the others began to prepare for bed, Earnest approached me, my sword in his hands.

He unsheathed it slightly and tapped the blade as he handed it back, "This is a very interesting weapon. Like my blade it does not appear to be made from pure metals but feels organic."

I could only shrug, "One of my fathers made it for me. Is it really that special?"

"Not even so much as a scratch," he commended the blade. "My own blade was made from steel tempered from ore found in the heart of the desert whales. The origins of yours may be just as curious."

I blinked and stared at the matte sword, "When this is over I'll find out."

Earnest nodded, "And I would most like to hear it as well. Good night Rain. When we next train I would like to see more of your form rather than your 'luck'." With that he waved and disappeared into the carriage. There was no getting out of it but if we really did get into a fight with the Demon Lord, I needed every bit of advantage I could get.

With things winding down I pitched up a tarp large enough to cover the carriage and Pina cuddled up against it. There was no telling if it would rain tonight and just in case we were quite far from the river on the chance it flooded.

"Are you sleeping out here again?" Lara asked me as I finished setting up my bedding on top the carriage.

"There still isn't enough room inside," I replied.

"Are you sure? If I asked Ronalt he could probably make some room with the others. If we position the beds better then-,"

"It's fine Lara," I stopped her. "I'm more comfortable outside. Besides I'm pretty sure Ardent snores. Ronalt and Earnest can sleep through it but I wake easy."

"Isn't it lonely out here?" she was still troubled. Was it her sense of fairness or something else?

"I have Pina," I gestured to her and in response she chirped.

"If it makes you feel better I can stay outside as well," Taylor poked her head out the window of the carriage staring right at the two of us. "I'm sure I can keep Rain warm."

Lara huffed, "Stop joking around like that. You'll sleep with us Taylor. Good night Rain." With that I was left alone outside. Well I did have Pina.

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