Chapter 26: Their Empire. (Part 3)

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The door opened without a knock and in burst Marley. For a moment I was convinced it was her but that was impossible. She looked exactly the same right down to the same garbs. It was scarily convincing.

"Marley you made it," I stood up and greeted her.

"Sorry it took so long for me to get here," she huffed annoyed. "This place is huge."

"Don't worry about it, now come here and give me a hug," I reached towards her and opened my arms. Taylor was able to hold onto her poker face as I embraced the girl. She didn't hold back and gave me a warm reply. I confirmed it then, the ever so slight flow of mana. Whoever this was she was a skilled spy.

"It's been a while," she let go and smiled brightly.

"How was your trip?" I asked.

"Boring mostly. The Empire is nice but there was nothing to do on the way over," she laughed. "Also the food sucked. Next time take me with you." Her light complaints and comments were incredibly accurate. If anything it was only that initial hug that was out of character for her. The actual Marley would have been a little awkward but this one was natural.

"You remember Jane right?" I gestured to where Caius stood against the wall.

"Of course I do," she lied perfectly. "How have you been?"

"Same old same old," Caius grinned. "So Rain, what are we going to do from here?"

Fake Marley interjected, "We're waiting for Lara and Ronalt right?"

"Depends, are we secure?" I ignored her and looked to the others.

"I've made this space my own," Caius nodded.

"Okay then," I stepped away from the confused fake Marley as Taylor stepped forward. What was she planning? I was going to have Caius jump her but it seemed she had her own ploys.

She held her hand lightly, "Marley, it has been a long time and once more I must ask you. It may be sudden but, will you marry me?"

I choked on nothing, not being able to hold back my surprise. Was she crazy? I mean I know she was playing around but I didn't expect that at all.

"Eh?" the fake Marley was stunned. Her composure had been torn apart. "B-but I thought you loved Rain...."

"It's true I love him, but the nights we shared together I can't forget them," she drew Marley closer. "Rain and I talked about it. If it's you... we can all be together."

"I-I...," her eyes began to swim not sure how to react. Well on that part the actual Marley would be incredibly confused as well. "I-if you'll have me."

"And I'm done," Taylor stepped back and winked "Thanks for being a good sport but I've promised myself to only one man."

"Wait, you-," the fake Marley tried to step forward only to fall, her hands and feet bound by a dark rope. "When did you?"

"Even the best spy can lose focus when distracted," Taylor simply smiled. "Caius if you'd be so kind."

He narrowed his gaze but did as asked dispelling the disguise. The fake Marley's face morphed, becoming older and sharper in comparison to the seemingly innocent girl. Still they were quite similar and aside from that, her body, hair colour and height were practically spot on.

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