Chapter 15: Their second chance. (Part 4)

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"Ardent wake up," I slapped his face lightly.

"Muha?" he roused himself and immediately clutched his head. "Ah... water, I need water."

I handed him a flask, "You know a person at your age shouldn't drink so much especially if they're not used to it."

"I was caught in the atmosphere," he coughed on the water. "Oh dear... what time is it?"

"About midnight," I said simply.

"Why did you wake me up?" he frowned. "I could use the rest."

"You've been sleeping all day, besides the Imperium are here."

"What!?" he gasped.

"Shh," I tried to quieten him. "A group of horned tribe visitors came but they were just disguises. They drugged the villagers and are grouping outside like they're planning something."

He tried to stand but staggered. If it weren't for my hand he would have fallen back over. "Damn my foresight. Like this I can't cast my magic properly."

"About that," I handed him a bucket and pulled out a syringe. "This is going to feel terrible but please try not make too much noise." I jabbed it into his arm and injected the serum. It was similar to the one I had used when I was overdosing on healing potions, something to detoxify the system.

A few seconds later Ardent fell to his knees and spewed out the contents of his stomach. The smell wasn't pleasant. He coughed and spluttered for a good minute before slowly rising.

"Feel better?" I passed him the flask of water.

He drunk from it greedily, "Yes... however I would ask you never do that to me again. It was not an enjoyable feeling. Now how bad is the situation?"

"I'm not sure. Taylor is keeping an eye out and the villagers won't be waking up tonight."

"I see," he nodded grimly. "Lead the way."

I led Ardent out of Miss Ula's house and into the street. Carefully and silently we sneaked closer to the village centre. Taylor was nowhere to be seen but several figures in black robes and red masks stood forebodingly. Standing above them all was the gold masked women.

"It really is them," Ardent cursed beneath his breath. "Why are they here?"

"They're probably the ones I saw attacking Axel," I replied.

"Yes I can see they have some of the instruments needed." He began to gesture towards them. A dull sound resounded in my ear and suddenly their far off voices where right beside me.

"Miguel are you ready?" a female voice spoke.

"Yes mam, the villagers have all consumed the wine. Your spell should take hold easily."

"Good, then we will begin now." A soft light glowed beneath her feet and after a few seconds a strange sensation pulled at my mind. The feeling ebbed away quickly. "Strange, something is wrong. I'm unable to take hold of any of the villagers. Miguel what have you done?"

"N-nothing mam! I swear it was the correct wine."

"Then are you saying my spell has failed for no reason?" her tone thickened.

"Not at all mam. P-perhaps something is disturbing the mana?"

"Hmm then I shall take this more seriously." A stronger light erupted from her body and in an instant I felt something pull at my consciousness. The feeling passed quickly.

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