Chapter 21: My night out. (Part 3)

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It was safe to say that night I got little to no sleep. Between Jane's memory of almost drowning and Taylor's confession I had a lot to think about. At times I'd lie wake thinking about Taylor and an awkward happiness would fill my chest preventing me from sleeping. When I finally did close my eyes, Jane's memories began to seep in again, different ones that made no coherent sense, images, sounds and sometimes even smells. By the time the sun rose I was sitting in my bed annoyed with dark rings beneath my eyes.

I made my way down the stairs of the inn tiredly. The sun had barely risen and most would still be sleeping, however I was hungry from the useless turning and tossing during the night. I ordered a mixture of eggs and toast at the kitchen and sat down alone, sipping at some juice. As my food came I noticed Ronalt walk in and waved him over.

"Good morning Rain... you look terrible, did something happen?" he eyed me curiously.

"You could say that," I sighed and shoved the food into my mouth. The light spices and strange texture of the egg caused me some delight but not enough to remove my tired expression. "Please go ahead and join me."

"Then I shall," Ronalt left and came back with a drink of his own. He sat down and pulled out a small mirror. At first I thought he was inspecting his face but as he pulled out a cloth I realised he was making sure his horns were clean. "You know I've grown quite fond of these. They represent a personality that I believe suits me, although I'm unable to sleep on my side."

"Well I can't sleep face down." I tried once and ended up poking a hole through the pillow.

Ronalt laughed, "The horned tribe members must have some inconveniences."

"From what I heard the real things can detect changes in mana," I tapped the horns on my forehead.

"Is that so," he nodded in thought.

"By the way Ronalt, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course Rain," he smiled lightly. Compared to when I first met him the difference really was too much. At this point he would have scowled at me.

"Have you heard Lara ever mention the name Jane before?"

His eyes narrowed as he threaded through his memories. A silence came between us. I sighed. It was a long shot anyway. Then in realisation he spoke, "Ah yes, it was quite some time ago now. When Lara was first summoned here, one of the first things she asked was if another boy called Jane was here as well. For the few days after she would occasionally mention him but then she just stopped. Why do you ask?"

I couldn't hide my pensive expression, "When she showed us her memories I saw him. Worse still I keep seeing strange things about him."

He scratched his head, "My apologies Rain I cannot help you in this. As curious as I am, perhaps you should talk to Ardent."

"I tried that," I sighed again. "Anyway, how long are we staying in Citlia for?"

Ronalt firmly grasped the change in topic, "I'd like to leave in two days' time. For now we'll gather what information we can and rest." I nodded and as Ronalt's food came we ate in relative silence.

Once we were both done I headed outside to the stables as Ronalt went into town to find a route to the Demon's Capital. Pina was lively and communicating with the other paradise moas like her. After making sure she was being well fed I entered the carriage. Once more I set up my apothecaries' kit. I had been using it a lot compared to my other tools lately. If Margaret knew she'd call it a victory against my other parents. My goal for now however was to make a sleeping draught. At least that way I could finally get some rest.

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