Authors Note: The End

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Well that's it! (Or almost at least)

To those who have made it this far, I hope you enjoyed it. For me, this story has been a wonder to write. More than anything, as cliché as it sounds, the characters wrote themselves. In my original draft of dot points Rain wasn't meant to end up with Taylor but as I wrote the story, their dynamic together grew too strong to the point they naturally fell in love.

I hope you enjoyed the twists and turns and there was enough foreshadowing that it made sense. I also thank everyone who voted and commented on the story because it really does help with my own self-esteem as a writer to see people engaging and enjoying it. 

At this point in time I'm still wanting to change the cover as it doesn't look too great, but my artistic ability is negligible. If you know anyone who's in the field, please feel free to send me a message. Of course I would pay as needed.

You may be asking where does the story go from here? For the main part, the story is over, (though there is a bonus epilogue after this you'll want to check out). While there is plenty to write about the world, it's time to move on. Though if more people asked for it, I have considered the story of Caius' life and how he ended up as the Demon Lord. It would however be a darker tale.

Like always, if you can share, comment or vote on my stories it will be a great help to hopefully further my career to become a full time author. At the moment I make negative income from writing, but man do I enjoy it, so that's a plus.

This marks the end of my 2021 story. If you follow me, look forward to my next story which will be released early 2022 and then come out on a weekday basis like this one. 

All the best where ever you are.

HMP Dharma

**My new novel. "A world with/out home" is currently releasing. Please check it out.

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