Chapter 28: My Hero (Part 4)

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Finally I faltered, kicked away into the ground. My sword no longer in my hands but sticking in the dirt where it had landed.

"You really don't disappoint," General Elroy stood above me with a vicious grin. "Alas I'll enjoy taking your life. Don't worry I'll look after your Hero."

He raised his spear, the tip pointing towards my neck. Damn it all. In the end I wasn't strong enough as Rain. Frustration pooled inside me, warping my emotions and mind. If I had been Caius none of this would have happened and this time, it really was the end. I hated this feeling, the feeling of being weak and useless. Ever since that day when the humans took me away. The memory scratched through my mind. The villagers and my friends being killed like pigs to the slaughter. My mother screaming. Caius run! But I couldn't. I could barely move let alone run. Then the source of my hatred coming out from the shadows. The same face above me now, that same Goddess be damned smile. He laughed as my mother tried to protect me. He laughed as he killed her and turned his eyes to me. His face, his voice, it all burned into me. My desire for revenge. The need for power to end it all. The emotions that lead me to being Caius, the Demon Lord. The years I spent as a human, as Jane, Lara's best friend, as Rain of Axel, they had numbed the pain to a point I could live with that loss. Right now it came back. A vehement rage.

The spear descended at the same time my body shot up. The blade skimmed past my neck drawing blood, only for me to grasp it with my hand. Elroy tried to pull back but I denied him. A knife reached my free hand and swung as I lurched forwards. He panicked, letting his spear fall in retreat. My knife only found air. I refused not to draw his blood. With his own spear I stabbed forward turning the blade. The crunch of metal on metal and the shattering of armour. In the end my strength wasn't enough to seal the deal. Blood poured down his chest but the spear remained stuck, held by the armour that saved his life.

He jumped back and wrenched the spear free, groaning in pain, "You!"

"General!" one of the nearby Knights went to assist him but he was pushed back. Several more pointed their weapons towards me.

"Enough! He's mine," he cursed under his breath and drank a potion from his belt.

My eyes didn't leave his. Blood freely dripped from my hand and neck. At this rate I'd collapse due to blood loss but I could care less. The anger that had welled inside me had only dissipated a little, replaced by frustration instead.

"I'll make sure you suffer before you die," the General declared and pointed his spear at me. His own blood matted the end.

With those words a powerful roar exploded from the Magicians Guild drawing all our eyes towards it. A vicious smile split my lips at the sight of it. From behind the besieged and broken wall knights and soldiers charged out breaking the lines of the Empire and causing disarray. They wore the Kingdom's banners. Taylor had made it inside, she really was the best when it came down to it.

"What?" General Elroy stared at the sudden army with wide eyes.

"When you pick a fight with us, you pick a fight with many others," I laughed.

"Impossible! The Kingdom doesn't have access to the Guild," he turned to me.

"Correction, they 'didn't'," I continued to smile. We had sent a message to the Kingdom to prepare and Taylor passed on the access circuits to the Archmage. Although the transportation had its limits, it was enough to break out from desperation.

The General began to laugh manically, "You've done so much in such short time... but now I'm getting annoyed."

"Only now? I was annoyed from the start."

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