Chapter 25: Our Master of Wizards. (Part 5)

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"You there!" the voice called out to me suddenly as I passed by the passage to the sanctuary. It was a golden masked Imperium and one I had met before. The same man who had taken hold of Lara and watched us die in the Imperial Palace. Just my luck, I could get my revenge. Closer now I could see he was quite aged. His hollow eyes emitted decades of experience but also the method to which he obtained it.

"Yes Master?" I turned to him with a respecting bow, though inside I held back a livid hate. The knife hidden in my robes seemed to poke into my side.

"Come with me," he gestured and began to head towards the sanctuary.

I followed hastily to avoid his ire and suspicion, "Um Master what is it you needed?"

His eyes penetrated me from beneath his mask, "I said to follow not ask questions whelp."

"Sorry Master," I bowed and walked behind him. For now at least it didn't seem he suspected me. As for what I was going to do, that was decided for me.

The passage passed by many rooms, some small offices, others large enough to teach a class or do experiments. Most were empty but a few had Imperium members searching through them. They were throwing documents and books around haphazardly, looking for anything of interest. We didn't stop however and proceeded in the direction of the sanctuary. The further we went the stronger the pulses of mana became. The small hope I had that we wouldn't go there was destroyed as the golden masked man pushed me through a pair of large ornate doors.

The sanctuary. It was where the crux of the Magicians Guild did their work. Only those Master and above could enter and for good reason. The knowledge within these walls could destroy countries if used incorrectly, of course one was more likely to destroy themselves first. That's what kind of place it was. The Archmage's office was incorporated into the section and it was her duty to ensure the safekeeping of it. Now however as I could see with my own eyes, that duty was under threat.

The foyer to the sanctuary was a large room with a tall ceiling showing the multiple floors around it. There were many times more books here than in all of Axel and each of them worthy to be called treasures. As much as I would have wanted to take a look around, the sight of the golden translucent sphere in the centre of the room took that thought away. Energy in the form of mana sprang from its surface as several beams of light pointed against it from multiple pillars. Inside where eight figures, four stood keeping up the barrier, while the other four rested meditating on the floor. I recognised one immediately as Ardent. His face was drained and pale as he held his hands out against the barrier. Beside him was a young women, or really I should say looked young. Despite her appearance I could feel her experience and power purely from sight. The Archmage. Her golden hair was matted with sweat and her brow crinkled in concentration.

A portly figure noticed us enter and called out, "Good you brought another one." He wasn't an Imperium and wore the colours of the Guild. Aside from him there were three others in matching clothes. The traitors to the guild.

The gold masked Imperium stared back at him, "Watch your tone Kelt. You may be Master of your guild but I am Master of the Imperium."

"And you would think them equals?" the man named Kelt scoffed. "Remember this opportunity is only because of us." He was acting quite haughty as if ignoring the other golden masked Imperium in the room. In total there were six of them. If I messed up here I really would die.

"What would you have me do Master?" I bowed my head to them while carefully eyeing the room for any potential opportunities. At the sound of my voice Ardent within the barrier eyes lit up. He quickly hid his expression.

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