Chapter 26: Their Empire. (Part 2)

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In the early morning we departed through the slums being once more guided by one of Mama's children. We were led through a maze of streets barely able to fit Pina and the carriage. Those that we passed stayed far away from us and the few that did attack the carriage were repelled in an instant by Caius who laid on the roof. All I had to do was drive and occasionally squeeze Taylor's hand as she sat beside me. We both knew how dangerous this was going to get and the previous night she had made it clear how stupid I was being. I couldn't help it. Sure there might have been a better way to stop Lara but I needed and wanted to do that before she became the Monster in my memories. I was putting not only my life but Taylor's and everyone else's at risk.

We exited the east side of the city slums and continued through a series of tunnels clearly used for smuggling. As we headed west I was sure at one point we had passed beneath the Imperial River. It was a long journey much further than the direct route but like this, those who saw us wouldn't ask questions or tattle any tales. Finally past midday we exited the forest bordering the western main road of the Empire.

I stopped the carriage and thanked the young boy who had guided us. He nodded and took the sweets I offered with an emotionless smile, running away before I could say anything else.

"Don't mind him. We were all like that at one point," Taylor commented darkly.

We entered the carriage where the others were seated. Earnest, Marley, Ardent, Caius and Taylor. I stared at each of them in turn.

"From here on we're walking right into their trap. You know what you need to do but I'll ask you once more, are you sure you want this?"

Marley spoke first, "I want to save Lara. She's my friend and accepted me for who I am. Ronalt as well."

Ardent smiled softly, "Though I am part of the Guild, the Empire is still my birthplace and home. Our leaders must be stopped."

"I can't just stop here." Earnest yawned and leaned back, "Who knows, after this maybe I'll return home but until then, I'll be here with you all."

"I already said all I wanted last night," Taylor kissed my cheek. I had to remain composed despite her affection.

"Caius?" I asked him last.

He sighed, "You know what happens if I don't help you. I'll be changing my future."

"You're a real spoilsport you know."

"You're talking to yourself," he replied bluntly.

I smirked, "I know." I clapped my hands, "Well then, how about one last lunch before we all potentially die?"

We left the moment our appetites were sated and joined the traffic like any other into the city. Rumours of the Magician's Guild spread from the other travellers as we neared the gate but nothing was concrete. From there it didn't take long for a knight to flag us down and after a brief discussion we were soon being led by an armed guard down the city streets. It was honestly hard to tell if we were prisoners or celebrities with how they treated us. The common folk in the streets watched us with interest wondering who we were. I gingerly waved to them with a pleasant smile as Taylor did the same. Earnest stepped out to the roof of the carriage and sat to show himself. Caius stared broodingly from the window. As for Marley and Ardent I had given them strict instructions to stay hidden in the carriage.

Heading through the city streets to the Imperial Palace had its charms. Last time by the river we hardly had a chance to see the populace but now it stared at us directly. From the outer districts regarded as the commons, to the markets, the people were like most other cities. Men and women living content humble lives and doing their best to get by. Their curiosity drew them closer but to them, aside from something to gossip about we meant nothing. Then there were those behind them. Even with the slums congregating the poor, the overflow steeped into the commons. Their eyes regarded us as the enemy with clear jealously and contempt. To them we were the nobles who laundered their money. A few however saw opportunity, as with any newcomer to the city and one with such a large guard, something would shake and when things shook there were pickings to obtain. Unlike the Kingdom or the Demon Capital, their numbers were more numerous but considering the population as a whole, they were only a small fraction.

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