Chapter 13: Their differences. (Part 2)

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The next day visitors came to Axel. It was a sight we were all used to. Coming in from the south three large carriages being pulled by oxen like creatures and sitting on top of them the regular traders. Servius and his family. They had come by recently so it was a surprise to see them so soon however I had the feeling their visit had something to do with me.

The town acted as usual and led them to the inn where they could store their goods. I played my part and greeted them hiding the strain pulling at my mind and actions. My eyes couldn't help flick to the thick clothing covering their skin. I couldn't remember a time when they wore more revealing clothes. Even the females were all rugged up and some wore hats that I had never seen pulled off. My desire to do so was rising.

"Hey," Servius called to me awkwardly. His arms and legs were covered and a scarf wrapped his neck.

"Hi," I greeted him with a false smile.

"Hiya," Taylor popped out from behind me.

Servius stepped back showing his clear dislike of her, "I see you're here as well."

"Where else would I be," she grinned evilly.

He tried to ignore her and whispered to me, "Rain is she your umm... girlfriend?"

"Why yes!" Taylor butted in before I could reply.

I pushed her away, "No she is not. She's a traveling companion and friend. And yes her default personality is like this, you get used to it."

"Oh Rain you're such a tease," she laughed and poked my cheek. "I'll leave you two to talk."

I glared at her. She was having way too much fun messing with me and with how she stuck around me a lot the townsfolk were beginning to doubt me when I said she was just a friend. Should have brought Lara instead, at least she'd lay low. No wait, maybe Taylor had been the right choice. If Lara were here I feel her natural attraction would cause even more issues.

"Rain?" Servius waved his hand in front of me.

"Ah sorry I was distracted," I shook away the thoughts.

"So how's it going?" it was a simple question but the way he looked at me meant so much more.

"It's... it's going well," I smiled. "Will you be here long?"

His lips split into a grin, "Probably until tomorrow. While I'm here want to play around?"

"Servius we're no longer kids we can't muck around too much," I laughed.

"A little shouldn't matter," he huffed and turned to the older man behind him unpacking the carriage. It was Servius' father, Phillius and the leader of the caravan. Like Servius he was dressed in thick clothing that covered almost all his skin bar his face. "Dad Rain and I are going to go for a bit."

He looked at us both, "Aye you do that. I'll be talking with Sir Mattias."

"Let's head to the river," Servius said happily and began to pull me gently. "It's been a while since we've gone." I followed him though he quickly noticed another presence hanging by my side. "Does she have to come as well?"

Taylor tilted her head at me.

I was going to ask her to stay but the thought of what she could get up to without me nearby sent a chill down my spine. "It's fine she won't do anything bad... I think."

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