Chapter Forty Nine

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Cress didn't bother drying her hair in her haste to get downstairs. She had to change direction when she realized she was heading towards the dinning room instead of the library. The doors were opened wide and she could hear everyone talking.

"Finally! Took you long enough, come on!" Winter grinned, waving Cress towards and gesturing to the mound of gifts.

"Get some food if you're hungry." Kai added, nodding towards the buffet.

"Eh, I'll eat later." Cress's eyes locked with Carswell, who flashed her a secret smile. She grinned.

Carswell stood up. "Hey, so before we get started—and at the risk of making today all about me—"

"Yeah, cause you hate it when everything's about you." Scarlet smirked.

"Shh, the real alpha's talking." Carswell glanced at Wolf, who went from relaxed to angry in less than a split second and twitched as if to get up. "Just kidding, sorry. Um, anyway." Carswell loudly cleared his throat and waved Cress forward so he could take her hand. "So... since everyone else is doing it, Cress and I thought we might as well get married too."

It took everyone a split second to register what he said, and Scarlet frowned as if she didn't believe him. Iko's immediate squeal gave it away and a series of gasps went around the group.

Cinder was the first one to leap up and she excitedly hugged Carswell. "Oh thank the stars you didn't chicken out!"

Carswell shoved her away.

Cress laughed before Winter excitedly hugged her and reached for her hand to look at the ring.

"Oh it's so beautiful! I love the rope look, like two lives intertwined together as one."

Cress nodded, grinning impossibly wider.

"Let's see." Jacin peered over Winter's shoulder. He shrugged, but there was a twinkle in his eye. "Not bad, Shortcake." He wrapped an arm around her in a quick hug.

Cress was relieved when the attention finally died down and they all gathered around the tree on the soft carpet.

Iko declared she was "Santa" and turned on some Christmas music before passing around gift after gift.

Scarlet audibly squealed when she opened a beautiful set of hair scrunchies from Winter, who explained that now she'd be able to keep her hair tangle-free when she slept.

Cinder opened a can of grease from Carswell, which she promptly hurled at him.

Cress opened a hunter green genuine suede skirt from Iko that came with a brown bodysuit and chunky boots. She didn't get to see what Kai got from Cinder, but whatever it was he laughed and gave her a big hug.

Then it was impossible to tell who got what and who gave who what as everyone started talking and laughing and shouting at once. Iko turned the music up which added to the wonderful chaos.

At some point a footman brought in a fresh tray of hot chocolate and coffee as the festivities continued. There seemed to be no end in sight to the mount of presents, to which Iko explained she kept seeing things she knew everyone would like.

"Iko you're getting a spending cap next year!" Scarlet laughed after she opened her sixth gift from Iko—a chunky knit cream colored sweated with matching over-the-knee socks.

Cress giggled, grabbing two cups of hot chocolate and handing one to Carswell who pulled her down onto his lap. Cress snaked an arm around his shoulders, fingering with the sterling silver necklace he had given her.

"You like it?"

"I love it." Cress turned her head up and kissed him.

Carswell winked.

"Christmas parade is starting!" Iko announced, flipping through the netscreen channels until a series of snow-covered floats came on the screen.

Cress glanced out the window. It had started snowing again. "All those poor people outside on the streets! Why don't they just watch it from home? It must be freezing!"

Kai shrugged. "It's kind of a big deal, people will put up with being cold."

Cress shivered, snuggling closer against Carswell. She glanced across the room, smirking when she saw Winter sitting behind Scarlet and Wolf playing with Scarlet's hair and doing it in some kind of braid. Wolf seemed a little irritated at having to adjust his arm around her.

"I'm next." Cress laughed.

Winter looked up and nodded eagerly. "Sure!" As soon as she was finished, she practically dragged Scarlet up so she could show off her handiwork. She had done some kind of fishtail braid but paired with her curls it looks much more elegant than it normally would have. And of course she secured it with one of Scarlet's new scrunchies.

"Okay Cress!" Winter waved her forward.

Cress giggled, getting up off Carswell and sitting down in front of the sofa Winter was sitting on. The heat from the fireplace brought goose bumps to her skin and as Winter's gentle fingers worked her hair she felt her eyelids drooping.

Cinder traipsed through the sea of torn wrapping paper and discarded ribbons as she peered out the window. "Stars it's coming down hard."

"Yeah." Cress gasped, her eyes still watching the netscreen. "Look it's a Rampion float!"

Everyone's attention darted to the screen as the speakers filled with shrieks, no doubt from the fangirls on the street.

"There's the painted lady on the back." Cinder rolled her eyes. "We covered that up so long ago, how does anyone even remember?"

"Hey, I was famous before I met you clowns."

"I can attest to that," Cress added.

Cinder scoffed, sinking down on the sofa and leaning against Kai. "Why does eating make me so tired?"

Cress stifled a yawn at the mention of being tired. She wished she could lay down without disrupting Winter.

"Does anyone want to get a massage tomorrow?" Scarlet asked, lightly stretching and readjusting herself against Wolf.

"I would but I have no muscles." Iko shrugged, eliciting a round of laughter.

"I could be talked into that," Carswell agreed.

"I've never had one," Cress added.

"Me either," Cinder scoffed.

"They're so wonderful." Winter quickly secured Cress's hair before kneading her fingers into Cress's shoulders and upper back.

Cress felt as though someone had pressed her power button and she almost slumped over. "Aces." Her head wobbled as she struggled to keep it upright as Winter's gentle fingers worked her muscles until they were warm and loose.

"Well Cress is in." Scarlet laughed.

"Mm-hm." Cress managed to mumble.

Winter stopped and Cress melted completely to the ground, rolling onto her back and closing her eyes.

"I think you missed your calling, Winter."

"What's her current calling again? I forget." Carswell asked as he stood up and reached for another helping of cinnamon rolls.

"Get me some?" Cress asked, reaching a hand over her head towards him. She still didn't get up off the floor.

Carswell nodded. He walked by her head and held a loaded fork over her face. "Kay, open."

Cress cringed, instinctively putting her hands up and expecting something to drop on her face.

"Do you want some or not?"

"I don't want it dropped into my mouth." Cress laughed, rolling to her knees and standing up.

Carswell fed her a bite of cinnamon roll.

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