Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

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Cress woke to Carswell kissing her cheek. He snaked an arm around he waist  and she groaned.

"You okay?"

She nodded. "Cramps." 

"Oh I'm sorry. Can I get you anything?"

Cress shook her head. "No, I'm okay. Are you going in to the studio?"

"I was, unless you want me to stay here and take care of you," he added with another kiss.

Cress smiled, turning over to kiss him back. "No, you go ahead. I'm probably gonna stay in bed and be miserable."

Carswell faintly laughed. "Okay. If you want anything while I'm out lemme know." He kissed her again and then got up and started getting dressed.

"Thanks." Cress tried not to groan again, adjusting the pillow beneath her and curling up. Her eyes drifted close again and she must have fallen asleep as the next time she blinked them open, the clock on her port said it was almost eleven. She felt better, at least enough to get up and get something to eat, and then relocated to the sofa and turned on the net. She hadn't been lying down for more than a minute when her stomach rolled.

She moaned, sitting up and crushing her eyes shut. Nope. Fairly leaping up, she barely made it to the bathroom in time. Aces, she hadn't thrown up in forever. She rinsed her mouth out and then carefully sipped at some water. Her stomach seemed to have settled so she moved back out to the sofa and leaned back down.

Lightly frowning, Cress reached for her port sitting on the coffee table. She usually got cramps a few days before actually starting but she didn't realize how late she was, almost three weeks. Either she missed almost an entire cycle or she was really late. She lightly frowned, nervously chewing the edge of her lip as her eyes welled up. Her hand trembled as she touched her lips.

Tears sprang to her eyes, though she wasn't sure why. The front door opened and Carswell walked in, carrying a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups and some root beer--her two favorite junk foods. "Feeling any better--hey, what's wrong?"

"I... I don't know."

Carswell set the things down and she was glad he came right over to the sofa and wrapped his arms around her. "Do you still not feel great?"

"No, I feel better. I just... realized how late I am."

"Late for what--?" Understanding broke across his face. He smiled reassuringly, moving a piece of hair out of her face. "Okay, it's okay."

Cress nodded. She blinked and a tear trailed down her face, though relief washed through her. She was probably getting way ahead of herself anyway. "What...? I don't know what to do," she added with a shrug.

"Well to be honest, neither do I. Let's just wait a few days?"

Cress nodded again. "Okay."

He nodded to the netscreen. "Whatcha watching?"

"Not sure. I haven't really been paying attention," she sighed, snuggling against him. His hand started running through her hair. She was silent for a long time, unable to turn her mind off. "Carswell?"


She swallowed, lifting her head to look at him. "What if I am? You know... pregnant?" she asked, stammering over the last word and unable to wrap her mind around the possibility.

Carswell smiled. "Then we better clean out that spare room."

Cress couldn't help it--she laughed. "Yeah, true." 

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