Chapter Ninety-Seven

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Thorne slicked his hands through his hair, dampening it so he could make it intentionally messy. Just outside the bathroom Cress was making the bed. He could smell something cooking but wasn't sure if it was Cinder or Kai or something Cress had started.

"What are you grinning about?" Thorne asked, leaning back so he could see Cress when she moved.

Cress looked up, grinning. "I'm just excited to have the whole Rampion Crew here at our apartment!"


"Love the outfit, by the way," Cress added, nodding towards the towel wrapped around his waist.

"I thought you might." Thorne winked. He ducked back into the bathroom and finished getting dressed. "Hey, what would you think about going back to California in the summer and looking at the house?"

There was a pause before Cress appeared in the bathroom door. "What house? Your house?"

"Our house, but yeah. The trust fund one."

Cress shrugged one shoulder, the side of her mouth twitching in a grin. "I'd be into that. It'd be kinda cool to at least see it." 

"Yeah, exactly. And, I mean, we could sell it if we wanted or hang onto it just depending on if we like it or not."

Cress nodded. "Any it's not doing anyone any good just sitting there."

"Also true."

"Hey maybe if we like it and wanna stay we could have everyone stay with us for a few months like Winter and Jacin did!"

Thorne squeezed some toothpaste onto his toothbrush, nodding. "That'd be fun."

Cress grinned, turning and disappearing back out into the bedroom. "I'm gonna get breakfast started, you have anything specific you want?"

Thorne shook his head. "No, you choose."

Cress didn't reply, though he assumed she nodded. He heard her starting down the stairs and as soon as he was finished getting dressed he followed.

Kai was sitting at the bar, port screen propped up in front of him.

"More coffee?" Cress asked, swinging around with the pot in her hand.

Kai nodded, smiling. "Thanks." 

"Can I see a menu please?" Thorne asked, taking the seat on the other side of Kai.

Cress giggled. "Sure. We've got pancakes, sausage, eggs, and coffee."

"Ooh I'll take some of everything."

Cress nodded once. "What about you, kind sir?" she asked, nodding to Kai.

"Whatever's easiest, I'm not picky." Kai glanced at Thorne, smiling innocently.

"Where's her royal robotic-ness? Still asleep like the princess she is?"

"I think she went for a walk."

"In the rain? Won't she rust?"

"You're hilarious," Kai added, casually sipping his coffee and not even looking up. "So what are everyone's plans for the day? Anything?"

Cress shook her head. "I was maybe gonna go do some Christmas shopping but nothing's set for sure. You and Cinder have any plans?"

Kai shook his head. "Not that I know of."

"We should all do something," Thorne added around a bite of pancake. 

"Suggest something."

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