Chapter Sixty-Five

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"What do you want?" Thorne asked as they neared the front of the line at Starbucks.

"Um..." Cress's eyes darted up to the menu and she chewed the edge of her lip. "What was that thing I got that one time?"

Thorne pressed his lips together. "I'm gonna need more than that."

"It was like really chocolate-y and I think had chocolate chips kind of broken up inside..."

"Oh, the mocha cookie crumble."


"That's iced, aren't you cold?"


"What about a caramel latte?"

"Ooh that sounds good."

Thorne nodded and when it was their turn he asked for two caramel latte's with extra whipped cream. He tried to stop steeling sideways glances at Cress, afraid she would get self-conscious if she kept catching him looking at her. He leaned back against the counter while they waited and much to his delight, Cress snaked her arms around his waist and leaned against him.

Thorne kissed the top of her head.

"This is all part of Main Street?" Cress asked.

Thorne nodded. "Yeah it stretches down a little ways and then there's like this... five-way intersection that branches off to the different 'lands'—Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, Fronteirland... some smaller little areas that I can't remember the names of... and Galaxy's edge. Which, that and Tomorrowland were the two main places I liked to go so everything else I don't remember as much."

"Why did you like those two places?"

"They were really spacey and like... flying in space oriented."

Cress laughed. "Ah. What was your favorite ride?"

"I love doing the Millennium Falcon ride but you need a crew of 6 people so I always had to go with strangers and fight to be one of the captains. That and SpaceMountain..." Thorne shifted his lips to the side, debating between SpaceMountain and Star Tours. "Yeah, SpaceMountain. It's so much fun."

"Can we do the one where you have a crew?"

"Mm-hm—oh, drinks." Thorne released her just enough to reach for the two cups of hot drinks, handing her hers, and then lacing his hand through her fingers and starting back outside.

"Okay we have our pins and our drinks. Where to first?"

"You want to do the Millennium Falcon ride?"

Cress nodded eagerly so they continued on through Main Street, through Frontierland, and towards the Millennium Falcon ride. Because it was still early, the line was relatively short and the wait time was only 30 minutes.

"What part of the crew do you want? There's pilot, gunman, and engineer." Thorne said, leaning against one of the barriers while they waited.

"I thought you said there were six people per crew."

"There are; each position get's two people."

"So we can both be captains?"

Thorne nodded, almost laughing at the way her eyes lit up.

"Ooh then let's see if we can be captain and co-captain."

Thorne nodded, sipping at his coffee. "I like it. And the plus about being here this time is that as famous celebrities people on our team will pretty much let us do whatever we want."

Cress laughed, poking his side.

Just like he predicted, the group that they ended up with when it came time to pick roles were more than willing to let him and Cress be the pilots. He could tell Cress got nervous when they boarded the ride but he quickly reassured her it was easy.

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