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"Me paci"

The women smiled as she watch that I had no control over me slipping anymore.

She pulled over and put the paci in my mouth and started to drive again.

~Nina Pov

I watch as she suck slowly on her paci while falling asleep. Once we made it to my home I carried her to my room and place her down gently.

I undress her into something much more comfortable. She was so sleepy she didn't wake up to whine or protest.

I close the door quietly and when I went downstairs I heard the door bell.

I open the door to see my best friend Robyn and Jhene.

"Where is Aaliyah"? Jhene say in cutest voice. I can tell she was little right now.

"Honey Liyah is probably sleepy and it's time for you to sleep too because our new lives start tomorrow".
Robyn sat tapping her but and Jhene blush so quickly.

"You know where the room is or do you need your Tt to walk you"? I said smiling.

"I got it im a big girl".

"Of course you are". I said coo-ing at her. Once we knew she was completely out of our sight. Robyn began to get excited.

"So how was she"?

"Well she is good but I can tell she is a handful. She was trying to not let herself slip into her head space but she did. I also know that she has a crush on me cause she can't keep her eyes off me".

"This is going to be great and finally they can get out that small apartment and get cared for properly".

I smiled and agreed.

We heard small footsteps and it was Aaliyah. Aaliyah had tears in her eyes with her paci in her mouth it was the cutest thing.

"What's the matter munchkin"? I ask and she was trying to talk with the paci in her mouth.

I giggled and took it out. It was clear she was still in her headspace.

"Up" !

"Oh you are so demanding". I said lifting her.

"You think she had a bad dream"? Robyn questioned.

"I hope not". I said rubbing her back calming her down.

She began to fall asleep again and I went to go put her in her room.
I close the door and went to my room and went to sleep trying to mentally prepare for the conversation tomorrow.

~Aaliyah Pov

I woke up with a paci in my mouth and some purple blankets.

I was so comfortable that I didn't want to get up. But I have to because I'm about to give Jhene lieing ass a piece of my mind.

I took the paci out and I got from under the blankets. I was still in these pajamas and I wanted to get out of them. I didn't want to be little right now.

I went downstairs and I seen the women cooking and another women who apparently is a dom sitting with Jhene.

"Oh look who is up. You find your way down ok"? The women ask me.

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