A end to a new beginning 1

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Hi darlings what's tea ?

Now I seen some of y'all coming for Shannon and let's just say this the only thing I'll spoil for y'all. Shannon is a real bitch 👏🏽 in this book she will never switch up on her friends I PROMISE .!

I'm also going to be preparing a new book soon called the rebel and yes it is a book like this for littles, subs, doms y'all get the picture. I'll let y'all know when I'm ready to post it.

Can you all pray for HanilMarsha1 she has been sick. Be Nice !!! And I hope you enjoy this chapter HanilMarsha1 I updated just for you 💕

~Aaliyah Pov

We stayed the night at the hospital. Now we was trying to figure out breakfast.

I wish daddy would wake up. Everyone is cranky because they didn't get the best of sleep. I know mommy didn't go to bed.

"Bestie wanna color"? Jhene ask and I said no. I wasn't in the mood to be bothered.

"I'm sorry , I'm just not in the mood".

"Yeah I know, it was worth a shot".

The doctor came in to check in on us and also give us an update.

"Good news Robyn is up but she can slip back into a coma. Enjoy the time you may have with her because she is not completely better".

We all rushed into the room and Robyn was smiling at us and she tried to speak but Nina quickly shushed her.

"Baby I don't want you slipping back into a coma. Just rest, and rest only.  I am so sorry that I made us crash".

"You didn't babe I saw who it was. It was Luke". Daddy spat out and it seem hard for her to talk.

"Daddy, don't talk. We told mommy it ain't her fault. We will keep reassuring her. I promise". I said while smiling. Which made daddy smile too. 

"Daddy"! Jhene said breaking down crying. "Please don't die on me, please". I never seen Jhene really cry as much.

Jhene and daddy had a special bond and I would hate to see her lose daddy. I would even hate to lose daddy.

"Jhene remember everything is going to be fine. Don't scare or stress daddy out. Look daddy is still here, hold daddy hand".  I said bringing her closer to daddy praying that it would soothe her.

Which it did and daddy smiled and gave her hand a small squeeze.

This was a beautiful moment.

"Baby I am sorry, that I have to ask you this and tell you more bad news because of the condition you are in. So I need you to stay calm". Mommy said while holding her hand.

Daddy nodded and mommy sighed while talking and I held mommy hand for support.

"Well I was going to get food with Shannon last night and I been doing some thinking.  someone has to be leaking information to Luke because he is always 10 steps ahead of us and Shannon thinks I should meet with diamond".

I let mom hand go and daddy look at her like she was crazy and Jhene was shaking her head.

"Are you fucking crazy ? You want to mention that bitch while daddy is in here in the hospital bed. Daddy when you get better we are all leaving Nina I'm sick of this bullshit". Jhene said and before she could storm out Shannon stop her.

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