Knowing the unkown

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~Aaliyah Pov

"Okay I am feeling little right now". I said admitting my feelings embarrassingly.

"And that's okay. See I'm not going to punish you for being little sweetie. I want a little, I want someone who is my baby. Now come here".

I smiled, I was feeling open. "Okay mommy".

I got on her lap and she moved her leg up and down. "Now Tell mommy what's wrong with the princess".

"Jhene just really hurt my feelings and I'm just overwhelmed with the whole situation. When I'm overwhelmed I slip into my headspace".

"Are you going to slip for mommy"? She said in a gentle voice. I nodded and I laid on her and she begin to rock me.

Showing that I'm little isn't so bad.

~Nina Pov

I was happy that she was slowly opening up to me. As I was rocking her she look like she was beginning to be at peace. So I took my chance to baby her.

"Does my baby want paci or Baba"?

"Paci ooo ooo an blankie". She said excited and I got excited with her.

"Okay but let's put a diaper on you. I'll get your things and we can have cuddles while watching a movie baby".

"Up ma ma". She was becoming more
Little by the minute and fussy too.

"No baby mommy has to go grab your things".

"Ma ma up up". She said crying. I pick her up and I felt that she was wet.

"Baby why you Aint tell ma ma you had an accident". She was crying and being fussy. As I was walking downstairs I let her cry it out she needed to cry it out anyway.

I went where Robyn and Jhene was and they was playing monopoly.

"Robyn she is in her headspace and she don't want me to put her down. Can you give me diapers, her paci, her Tom and Jerry Blanket and make a bottle just in case she wants that".

Robyn got up and I went by Jhene who was just quiet.

"You alright"?

"Yeah I'm just ready for

"Jhene make sure you vent to Robyn sometime today about something. I can tell something is bothering you and you know it's okay if you wanna be in your headspace".

"I know I'm just-"

"Hurting"? I questioned.


"Look at her, you not alone". Before I could say anything else Robyn came in with her stuff.

"Take it to this room for me".

We walk to the room and I place Aaliyah down and she started to get fussy. "I got to change you baby. Momma almost through ".

She began to get fussy so I did it the best efficient way I could. After her little tantrum she begin to get quiet.

"You want paci baby"?

She nodded her head yes. "Can we
Use big girl worlds baby".

"Paci mommy pls".

"Good girl". I said praising her. She blushed and I kiss her cheek.

"I love having innocent moments like this with u". I said coo-ing at her. She was on her way to sleep and so was I. We was cuddling and I was happy she was being this open.

I kiss her forehead while cuddling her and we were both eventually on our way to sleep.

~Robyn Pov

Me and Jhene continue to play monopoly. She was quiet and I was worried.

"Baby you don't wanna talk"?

She huffed and puffed. "No" she said with attitude. I got up and grabbed her by her neck and bent her over.

"Mommy" she mumbled trying to sound all gentle.

"Oh now it's mommy. How should
Mommy punish little Jhene"?

"I'm sorry mommy". She said with tears and I loosen up and hugged her.

"Baby I'm sorry I should have been more sympathetic. You are hurting and I just don't like when you give me attitude".

"I'm sorry I should of just talk". Jhene said wiping her face.

"Baby it's me, just tell mommy what's on your mind"?

"I'm hurt, I love Aaliyah. But her to just give up and run away hurt the most. Like I love her why she think I wanted her with Nina. She just hurt my feelings".

I grabbed her hands And she look at me. "Honey Aaliyah has suffered from
Trauma. Everyone handle trauma differently. You moving on and that's good but everyone not like you. She may suffer from PTSD and many other things and you have to be patient with her".

Jhene started to sob. "I am such a terrible friend".

"Oh honey you are not a terrible person. You love her it's okay". I said picking her up to rock her. She was getting so overwhelmed that she wet her self and she haven't did that in a while.

"I'm sorry mommy I didn't mean to". She said getting louder and her voice changing because she was not getting in her headspace.

"Accidents happen my love let's get you together. Would you like a bubble bath with mommy"?

"Yes" she said jumping around. I smiled, maybe they can fix the friendship after all.

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