Knowing the unknown pt 2

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~Aaliyah Pov

I woke up two hours later with a diaper and pacifier in my mouth. I blushed a little because Nina got to see how truly little I was.

"I see, someone is up". Nina said putting me on her chest. All I could do was stare at her tittys. They was nice and round.

I just laid on them comfortably and she begin to rub my but.

"Honey" Nina said and I jump up realizing that I'm being little and that's not a good thing.

I'm stupid, so so stupid.

My breathing begin to hitch and I drop down to my knees.

"Baby you are okay, please come here". Nina begged, but I couldn't. I was having a panic attack.

She pick me up and place me back on the bed and hugged me so tight.

"I or Robyn would never hurt you. You are too precious. We care about you and I'm falling in love with you every single day. But baby what happen to you. Can you tell mommy something"?

I sighed and I began to try to talk as I was remembering the past.

~The past~

Aaliyah and Jhene was own by this man and women. The women name was cherry and Luke.

Cherry and Luke knew how they was that they like little things. But these two just wanted pure submissives.

"Wake your asses up daddy and mommy is going to teach you how to not be little"! Cherry said with a smile.

It was like they was trying to strip them of who they are.

As they rise up they was in handcuffs because they had punishment for last night for crying.

Luke grab the whip and made sure he never miss with whooping them. He over whip them, it was abuse.

As they were getting up and they look drain cherry didn't like that.

She kick Aaliyah which made her fall to her knees. Then she did the same to Jhene. They both wince in pain. They just wanted to get out of here.

"Crawl bitch me and your daddy need things done. I want my ass lick and daddy wants his dick suck".

They had no choice but to crawl like they was used toys and that was the first day week of being with cherry and Luke.

"Oh my god baby I am so sorry". Nina said hugging her. They both was getting choked up over this story.

It was heartbreaking for Nina to know they got beaten like that.

"Honey that's not me I'm a good
Mommy. You can be little around me always. Can you tell
Mommy what else happen"?

"I'm not ready, cuddles ma ma".

"Baby we can't do cuddles it's night time. It's time to make dinner and for you to see Jhene".

~Nina Pov

When I said that Aaliyah frowned up. "Baby do not start. Be grateful that Robyn suggest that y'all get space for the day. This was suppose to be the time that y'all let some things out to us. Honey it's time to face the music. We are a family now and one of these days you and Jhene have to come together".

"Okay" she said sadly.

"Dont be sad honey. I'm
Going to give you ice cream for
Desert how does that sound"?

Aaliyah clapped with excitement and before we left out the room I look at Aaliyah and she look at me back.

"Yes mom- Mistress". She said blushing with embarrassment.

"Honey you only have on your diaper. Put on a t shirt and I have your paci if you want it okay, and you don't have to say mistress anymore you not in that much of trouble anymore".

Aaliyah grabbed the shirt put it on while smiling and when we went to the kitchen Robyn and Jhene was sitting there doing stuff. Jhene was coloring and Robyn was smoking her blunt.

"Good we are starving". Robyn said finally happy to see us.

"I miss my other baby. How are you doing, and you have a big girl
Diaper on just like Jhene". Robyn said coo-ing at Aaliyah and she blushed.

"Thank you mistress". She said lowly while putting her head down and Robyn lifted her chin.

"Quit doing that baby and it's
Just mommy okay"?

Aaliyah nodded and I smiled. We was doing good.

~Aaliyah Pov

"Mommy what are we having for dinner"? I ask sitting by Robyn not looking Jhene way.

"Well since you guys are getting ice cream for dinner. I'm
Going to make this chicken bowl it's basically a chipotle bowl so it's healthy and it's going to taste really good. Why don't you and Jhene go decide on a movie while me and your
Mommy talk".

I sighed but with a nod. I wish things didn't turn out like this between me and Jhene but it is what it is. I got up and So did she and we went to the living room.

It was awkward looking through the
Movies. But I'll take awkwardness over talking but Jhene just had
To mess it up.

"How was your day"?

"It was eventful". I said keeping it short.

"Mine too, but we have to learn how to get along even tho we have our differences". She said and I sighed. I didn't go off like loudly but I still went off.

"No, see you Dont understand. I'm not like you okay. I suffer from
Many things that you don't know about see cherry and Luke did things to me that you don't know about and I still suffer from it. You just want me to magically move on but Jhene it take time and patience".

"I'm sorry Aaliyah and mommy was explaining that to me. I was mad because you gave up but I love you and I care about you. I hope
You can forgive me. Please take your time and do what ever you need to do. Just know I'm here
Always". Jhene said getting up and walking away and tears just fell down.

She finally gets it, but I don't know if I can forgive her.

"Baby are you ok"? Robyn said coming up to me. Bending down to my level.

I smiled while wiping my tears. "Yeah just trying to find a way to forgive her. She finally understand that I need time and people have to
Be patient with me".

"Of course, she hears you now but do you hear her"?

I look at her confuse. "What do you mean"?

"You ran away, she is use
To being around you. She is use to you Being here for her. When you ranned away you scared her. That's not okay Aaliyah. We get why you done it but it doesn't change the fact of
How much you scared her. Whatever y'all pass is she went into a whole
Meltdown because you left. She suffering too it may not be as much as you. But you not the only one my

I nodded, "I understand".

"Okay come on dinner is ready".

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