Nina parents

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I'm going to start post more pictures of the characters.!

But how are y'all ? What's tea ? How is life going?
I feel like ppl don't ask that enough to ppl. Even if we don't know each other everyone deserve to be ask if they are okay.

N I heard it's best to vent to strangers.

~Aaliyah Pov

When I woke up we was in Texas. It took us a few hours to get here and all i wanted to do is take a nice hot shower.

"Mommy have you been driving all night"? I question while wiping my eyes.

"Yes, but I'm fine and everyone is okay and we are almost there". She spoke in a whisper because everyone was still sleeping.

"Can I come up there wit chu mommy".

"Of course, please be careful honey". She was driving and she was scared I was gone fall but I made sure to be careful.

I got up in the seat next to her and she praise me. I love when she praises me. "You made it all by your self good girl"!

I blushed and then mommy end up parking in someone drive way. Well her parents drive way.

"Baby just to let you know you can be yourself. My parents know about my lifestyle and they support it". She said while giving my hand a squeeze.

"I figured cause you wouldn't bring us somewhere, where would feel uncomfortable". I said making sure that she knows I trust her and her judgment.

She begin to wake everyone up and then we got out the van and unload our things.

Then we walk up the steps and mommy rang the door bell. As we was waiting on an answer I look at the house. It was a big mansion like super big.

"Hi you guys must be Jhene and Aaliyah". A pretty women said coming out. I mean she had a Nina vibe, she was sexy she had on heels. I didn't mean to admire her in that way but damn.

Mommy nudge me. "Yes mam". I said and she smiled.

"Well come on in, I baked cookies and I have the littles room set up".

I like this women so far. When I tried to grab a cookie mommy pop my hand which made me tear up a little.

"Baby you didn't have breakfast yet and I didn't mean to hit you so hard, you forgive mommy"?

"Yes" I said in my baby voice. Was I about to slip ? Why am I slipping already. I don't want to slip.

"Your father is almost here and I think baby Aaliyah is about to come out". Nina mom said coming over and pinching my cheeks.

I blushed but I wasn't slipping. I couldn't slip. I didn't want anybody to see me slip. I just struggle with being little sometimes.

"Babies you guys can roam the house". Daddy said and I rolled my eyes. She still didn't apologize to me yet.

She knew I rolled my eyes too but she didn't say anything. So I move from her she tried to grab me but I dodge it quick.

Got me fuck up.!

-Nina Pov

"Trouble in paradise" my mom said while laughing.

"Yeah unfortunately, Robyn needs to apologize to Aaliyah".

"No she needs to apologize to me. I'm busy doing other important things that contains with Luke and all she wanna do is act like a baby like she can't be big for a couple of days".
Robyn said with so much attitude. But I wasn't having that.

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