A mess

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~Aaliyah Pov

I woke up sore as hell. I notice I made a small accident in my diaper. I'm glad mommy put the diaper on me after we had sex because I was feeling little right now.

After 10 minutes of me just laying there daddy and mommy came in with food on a tray.

"How are you feeling babe"? Daddy ask and I tried to sit up on my own but I wince in pain.

My lips begin to quiver and I started crying. "Yeah I knew it, she is little right now". Mommy said while sitting on the bed next to me.

I started to cry, I couldn't stand pain.

"Look at daddy, I got yo favorite paci".

I look up and daddy plop the paci into my mouth. I begin to suck on it trying to calm down.

"Listen to mommy, I need you to eat and drink Ba Ba okay. Babies have to eat, you can have your paci after and a massage okay"?

She took the paci out my mouth and I don't know what came over me. But my lips quivered again and I begin to cry.

"Oh baby, mommy know. But you was a bad girl and you have to pay the price".

She begin to feed me my pancakes and my grits. They was so good.

"My baby is eating all of her food! You are such a good girl". Daddy praised.

Jhene came in with her stuffie tore up and she was crying. "Daddyyy"! She whine and daddy pick her up and mommy was looking at her bear.

"Baby didn't you lose this along time ago? Where did you find it"?

"Outside the door with a note".

"Why was you outside the door Jhene ? You could have got taken"!

"Someone was knocking mommy I'm sorry".

"Get in the corner now! Robyn give me the note"!

Mommy begin to read the note out loud. "I know you know my secret and best believe I am coming for you. Or you could join me the choice is yours.

Sincerely, the best friend y'all ever had.

I was becoming teary eyed and Jhene was crying badly from the note as well.

"You two be quiet, what does mommy and daddy always tell you"! Mommy screamed and we got quiet and we didn't respond.

"What does mommy always tell you"! She said so demanding that we had no choice but to answer.

"That yall would always protect us". We both said in unison.

"Okay so calm down, Jhene come get out of the corner and fix your face before I give you something to cry about".

Jhene still didn't fix her face so mommy put her over her lap and begin to spank her hard. "You know better! You always ask for permission little girl"!

Mommy made sure her ass was red and Jhene was crying. "Go lay next to Aaliyah, come on Robyn. Jhene and Aaliyah don't move out this bed".

"What I do"? I said with a question.

"You still on punishment from last night just cause I cater to you this morning don't mean anything. I'm going to go think you two bet not move. Do you understand"?

"Yes mistress" I said quickly. I didn't need another punishment like last night. I couldn't handle it.

Mommy and daddy walk out and Jhene begin to cry and talk.

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