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fun game .... are y'all littles ? Subs or Doms ? Both ? If more littles & subs comment I'll do a chapter base on the little just being little like no dom Pov. If more dom comment I'll do a all dom chapter 💕 (plus it's fun when y'all talk to me)!

-Aaliyah Pov

I woke up with sore legs. I remembered how mommy and daddy punished me and Jhene yesterday.

It was 2pm, and Jhene was still sleep. No matter how much Jhene was mad she would still cuddle me. She had her arms wrap around me and had her head on my tittys. I didn't feel like moving I was too sore. So I decided to rest my eyes until mommy and daddy came in here.

"Awnn baby they look so cute"! I heard daddy voice and I fluttered my eyes open. I was still tired but not sleepy tired.

"We know y'all sore. But we need to put this cream on y'all bottom and put you Guys in a pamp pamp". Mommy said and I don't know why I was feeling little. I wanted to be a big girl and not start nothing for once so I just denied the care they was trying to give to me.

"I'm fine, I don't need it".

"My little slut didn't learn anything from yesterday huh ? Do not lie to us. I know you feeling all vulnerable and little cause we had sex yesterday. For now on you are going to act on your feelings there is no more holding back and if you ever hold back from he again on how u feeling. I will take you in the big scary playroom and I will fuck you for two days straight little girl. Now what does my baby need suckies, massage, food"

I was shocked, they was not playing around with us anymore. I let myself slightly slip.

"  pamp pamp and cream stuff. momma".

"Good girl, now let me wake up Jhene. Daddy is going to put you in a princess pull up".

Daddy smiled at me and I blushed as she begin to put the pull ups on me. These things was comfortable lowkey.

"Up daddy" I ask and she pick me up and kiss my cheek.

"Let's go see Shannon". Daddy said and I smiled.

But then I got irritated hearing them bells jingle as she carried me.

"Do I really have to wear that it's annoying". I said whining.

"When you around us no, when you want to go do something then yes. That's the only exception I'll allow. But that's daddy rule for when you with me. But you have to ask mommy her rule for this, understand"?

"Yayyy daddy" I said excitingly and she laughed.

"I see someone is in a good mood". Shannon Said trying to tickle me.

"Nooo" I said squirming in daddy arms.

I begin to get shy and hide into daddy breast and I heard them laugh.

"Well we got some evidence to get a warrant for-" Shannon begin to say but daddy quickly shushed her.

"You haven't talk to the girls Robyn? Really"?

"No we been trying to get them to be well behaved you seen last night. Afterwards the poor girls could not stay awake. But me and Nina agreed to have a discussion together about Luke".

"Okay, well let's have it now".

I begin to panic. "Is Luke going to take us away ? Is he going to be my master again ? I don't wanna go back, I can't go back. I'm sorry i have been a total Bitch to y'all but I love y'all please don't send us away we will do better and-".

Daddy kiss me on the lips to shut me up while still holding me like a baby. I wasn't trying to ramble. I was just scared.

"Never say that or think like that. We love you, we are all in a relationship. We would never send you guys away".

I slightly calm down. But tears begin to stream down my face.

"Aaliyah please baby Dont do this now". Robyn pleaded but I couldn't help but cry.

Robyn begin to walk. I assume she was taking me to Nina and I was right.

~Nina Pov

"Really Robyn ? Because she start having a panic attack you bring her to me. You are her daddy, it's time for you to start learning how to calm her down too. I know how to calm Jhene down when she is having an episode".

"It's not that, I just need to see what Shannon talking about".

"And what's more important then calming Aaliyah down"?

I ask while grabbing Aaliyah to let her snuggle with Jhene which she gladly did. That made me smile but I wasn't through with Robyn ass.

"It's Luke, I'm trying to bring his ass down baby. I love and care for Aaliyah
Too but since you are my partner and I'm not alone. I just figured it would be better to bring her to you while I focus on Luke and you can prepare the girls to have a difficult conversation in about 10 minutes".

I rolled my eyes. "Fine Robyn. Do your thing".

She left out and Jhene started to ask questions. "Mommy what's going on ? Why is Aaliyah so scared"?

I decided to be honest. "It is concerning Luke. But don't be scared okay ? At the end of the day y'all know we are protecting y'all".

Jhene nodded and continue to cuddle Aaliyah. As much as I wanted to cuddle her myself. It look like she was doing fine with her best friend.

"Okay y'all ready"? Shannon said coming in.

"As ready as they will ever be". I said and I sat between the girls. I let them both hug on me. This what they needed while dealing with stuff like this.

"Okay so Shannon has hired a private investigator and he got some evidence that Luke is running a sex ring. I am telling y'all because we are almost close to catching him. But downfall is that I may have to go with Shannon next week for a few days to help capture more evidence".

"But daddy that's dangerous". Jhene said and Aaliyah just started to cry.
I kiss her forehead then I kiss Jhene forehead. "Look they are going to be okay. They not leaving yet okay"? I said trying to comfort them.

"Look I will FaceTime y'all everyday to show y'all that I am okay. I will update y'all and all types of stuff. I just wanna keep y'all in the loop of what's going on".

Robyn suggested but the girls just sighed while nodding. Clearly showing that they didn't agree with this method.

Then the door bell ring. I decided to get up and let Robyn continue to talk to the girls.

Once I open the door. I didn't know who this women was.

"Hello, who are you"?

"Hi, does Robyn live here ? I am her mother".

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