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Day before the capture

24 hours earlier...

"Erwin, can I have a word with you." Commander Nile says when he saw the blonde man walking down the headquarters.

Erwin nodded once, him and Nile were not the best of friends but if it's about a serious business, they're both willing to lower their pride. They sat down inside his office with Hanji and Levi.

"What is this about?" Levi asked with a bit of annoyance in his tone upon seeing Nile.

"I need your help." Nile says. He received a bitter laugh from Levi. After he intervened when the female titan attacked and suspended Grey for it, now he's asking for help?

"Let's hear him out. Nile, what exactly do you need us for?" Hanji asked. Erwin just payed attention as Nile gathered his thoughts.

"To catch the Shadow." He stated. It immediately got the three veterans intrigued.

"Everyone is talking about her. This woman has killed so many people, too many that I lost count. The station who's incharge of the case is going nowhere." Nile continued.

"Why don't you ask Captain Raven Grey? She's the best and clearly the only one who can capture the Shadow." Levi said as he talks highly of the woman.

"I can't do that. You know how many times she threatened my life? The last time she even pointed a gun inside my mouth." He complains.

"So in short, you're scared of Raven." Hanji tries to hide their laughter, Nile just glared at the woman. He didn't want to admit it, but Hanji was right. Raven is like a ticking time bomb, who wouldn't be afraid of her?

"This isn't about her. I've heard that the Shadow has been following your squad on your expeditions. Everyone in the city knows it. That's why I figured, if you're the one she's after, then maybe you guys are also the ones who can capture her." Nile explained.

Erwin analyzes the situation. Sure she saved him and the others, but she is a murderess. She killed countless random people, and they have no idea what her angle was or why she's doing all this.

After a careful consideration, Erwin has agreed to help Commander Nile.

"We'll send you a letter if the plan is successful." Erwin said before Nile left.


Levi and his squad together with Erwin and Hanji had all gathered in the main hall to discuss their plan.

"You know, I've noticed something after the past expeditions." Everyone's eyes turned to Armin who had a serious look on his face.

"The first time the Shadow surfaced is when there were two titans that was after Chris-- no sorry, Historia. I thought it was just a coincidence but then, back in the castle, Historia was also in trouble and she was there. The Shadow even got herself injured to protect her." Armin continued.

All of them listened attentively to Armin, he was always there when the Shadow shows up and everyone knew he is incredibly smart, so it is safe to trust his ideas.

"So, you're saying she's there only to protect Historia." Erwin says. The squad suddenly fills with questions and doubt.

"Are you sure Armin? I mean if she's somehow a good guy by protecting Historia, then why is she killing people?" Jean asked asks as he knotted his brows.

"I'm not so sure but, all the leads point to it. I mean, did you see how desperate she was yesterday when Ymir took Historia?" Armin says.

"Agreed. She rode past all of us and she was the only one who had the guts to attack Ymir, because she had Historia." Connie added. "It still gives me the chills when I remember it."

"Armin's right." They all turned their atrention to the deep man's voice.

"When I first saw the Shadow, she was running through the trees trying to look for someone. I was only with my old squad, and Eren. When she saw Historia wasn't there, she immediately disappeared. "Levi continued.

"Alright, but what is the reason? Why is she protecting Historia?" Erwin says, acknowledging everyone's theory.

"Historia, you rode with the Shadow on your way back. Did you manage to talk to her?" Sasha asked. All of their eyes narrowed towards the blonde girl, she was still confused and honestly, she also didn't know why the Shadow was protecting her. She had her suspicions why, but she isn't ready to tell anyone just yet.

"I tried to ask her, but she didn't answer any of my questions. The only things she said before she snatched me away is 'let me save you'. That was it." Historia says in a bit hesitant tone. She was still not comfortable with the idea of handing the Shadow over to the military police.

"So it's clear. She's desperate to protect Historia so we use her as bait." Levi said monotonously.

"Yeah but Captain, how are we gonna fight her? She managed to take down 20 military police in the wall yesterday. Plus she's too fast." Eren chimed in. Everyone agrees with him after seeing the Shadow abilities.

"The only reason she got away is because they attacked her in an open area. Even if they had the manpower, there's still a lot of space for her to escape." Levi says.

"What are you suggesting Levi?" Erwin asked.

Levi takes a sip of his tea before proceeding. "We set up a trap, Inside an enclosed space. She may be fast but maybe, if we all attack at the same time, it'll be a challenge for her. Then we just might have a chance to capture her."

"What if she defeats all of us?" Jean asked doubtfuly. Everyone looks at their Commander for assurance.

"It's a gamble we have to take." Erwin says.


Everyone's eyes was fixated on the masked woman in front of them that was slowly regaining her consciousness.

"Should we wait for Commander Nile?" Armin asked.

Both Erwin and Levi knows that they couldn't wait that long. The tension was too high and they were curious to see who this woman is.

"I'm not waiting for anyone." Levi said as he marched towards the woman.

"Captain be careful!" Eren yells.

Levi ignored him as he pulls off her hood that revealed her eyes, she was looking directly at the man. It was enigmatic, hard to read what the girl was feeling. Levi was a bit startled that the woman was now awake but he didn't let it show, why is the woman looking at him?

His fingers subtly touched her cheek as he was about to take the black cloth that would finally reveal her face. Levi couldn't understand why he's feeling a sudden familiarity of the woman. It was until he took the mask off and his eyes, widened.

"Hi, Captain."

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