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The trial

Everyone made their way inside the courtroom, the squad has been dreadful and nervous for days. None of them has ever seen their friend for a week since she was arrested. Only Commander Erwin and Captain Levi were allowed to go to her cell but with limited visiting days too.

The Commander has briefed them everything they needed to know since they were bugging them all day about it. First thing, is that they have to keep Raven and Erwin's family relation in secret in order to prevent anyone from calling them biased on the matter. And second, is that their friend Raven wishes to be called Tanya from now on, that was the only personal thing they got out from the Commander about her.

They still don't know what's going on inside Tanya's mind, but one thing is for sure, is that Erwin will do anything to prevent his sister from being killed.

Jean met with Hanji as they entered the courtroom when he noticed that they were carrying a huge pile of folders consisting of case files, he decides to help them.

"Thank you Jean," Hanji says as they made their way to their seats.

"What's all these?" Jean asks curiously.

"Our big guns, what else?" Hanji says confidently with a big smile on their face. "You really think Erwin's gonna let anything happen to Tanya?"

Jean's eyes sparkled in relief and hope. He knew Commander Erwin's not going down without a fight.

As the squad made it to their seats, they noticed that their friend is already there in the center of the room. Unlike back in Eren's trial, Tanya was sitting on a metal chair, both her wrists are cuffed on the arm rests. Her feet was also cuffed on the chair, she was surrounded by five military officers with their guns out as if she was a severely dangerous person.

'Yes, she really is.' They thought, but this seems to be too much of a security.

Jean couldn't believe what he was seeing. His friend looked like she lost weight, was paler than usual due to the lack of sunlight, and her prison clothes was covered with dried blood.

"She's much more guarded compared to when I was on trial." Eren commented as they looked at their friend in pity. Eren knows if she saw him looking at her like that, she'll be mad. Tanya doesn't like people taking pity on her no matter what the situation is.

Levi and Erwin walked in the courtroom and made their way towards the seat beside Hanji, they saw Tanya sitting there keeping her head down. Her face was clouded by her dark hair so they couldn't see her expression or anything that would indicate if she was okay. Levi was bothered by the armed men that surrounds her, it's not like she could escape that metal chair. But then again, Tanya is a trained assassin, it'd be normal if they would cautious like that.

"You guys know the plan." Erwin announces in a silent tone to his peers. Eren, Jean and the others nodded in assurance.


Tanya's POV

I raised my head once the boredom started to get to me and stretched my neck a little. I looked around, on the right side there was the Garrisons, Pyxis sat there with a worried face while looking at my state. I then panned my attention to their side which was Military police officers who were glaring at me. I remember them trying to capture me and I injured most of them.

I ignored the glaring daggers, but what caught my eye is the officer with one hand who attacked me the other day. He now has a neck brace and his face was full of bruises and cuts I could barely recognize him, he also wore an arm cast sling so I'm guessing someone broke his arm.

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