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The Letter

They all sat in the dining room, not one of them said a thing. Connie and Sasha who were always making jokes, couldn't utter a word. Mikasa, was much more silent that usual. Armin and Historia couldn't stop sobbing. Jean was mindlessly gazing at the abyss, He didn't want to believe that he lost another bestfriend. This time hurts much more than the first.

Levi had the worst case. It's been a days after finding out about Raven and he didn't come out of his office once. He just sat there, staring at the blood covered letter that rests in front of him. Levi doesn't want to believe that she's dead, but it all seems so real after everything Nate said.

Levi's hands was shaking as he reached for the paper. He didn't have the strength to open this after he received it from Nate. He guess, it is the right time to do it.

The letter had a lot of stains of blood that covers some of the words but he managed to understand some of it. It fills him with horror and so much anger knowing the splatters are Raven's blood.

Levi, I don't have the luxury of time while writting this letter. They have me cornered, The police could barge in here any moment, so I'm gonna make this quick. K____________ replaced me as Captain, forcefully. I didn't want to reside on their team so they plan to get rid of me. I will try my best to escape, but if you're reading this, then I probably failed in doing so. The military police want to get custody of Eren and Historia, and they will not stop until they have them. Protect them, at all cost. I feel hopeless writing this. I was caught off guard, and I'm sorry. I don't ever want to burden you but please, protect Historia for me. Because I don't think I'll be able to do it anymore.

Levi, sorry again. That I didn't get a chance to say this in person. I care about you, So don't you fucking dare die.

Levi tightens his grip on the letter, reading it was like hearing her voice over and over again. His breathing became heavy, he didn't even notice the drop of tear that escaped his eyes.

He touched his cheek and felt the liquid as he stared at his fingers. 'Why am I crying?'

Levi never cried, in a long time. Him and Raven was never in a relationship, but both of them knew, that they cared for each other. In their own ways.

His thought were interrupted when he heard a restrained knock on the door. Levi exhaled sharply in distress.

"What." He said without any emotion nor interest.

"Captain, Squad leader Hanji is here."


They all gathered in the hall with and Hanji and their squad. They immediately notices the heavy atmosphere that surrounds the house, but their news isn't gonna help ease that.

"Pastor Nick, is dead. We suspect the interior police is behind it." Hanji says and began telling them all about how they found his body. They didn't got any responde for a moment but then exchanges theories with Armin.

"He isn't their only victim." Levi said in a much colder voice and stares at the cup infront of him. The whole room was silenced.

"Levi, what do you mean by that?" Hanji asked worriedly when they noticed Levi's unusual behavior.

"Raven's dead." He said frigidly. Hanji's eyes widens as they covered their mouth. "Are you serious?"

"R-raven? Our Raven? --Erwin's sister Raven?" They uttered in repeat as if they weren't ready to believe what they just heard. What will Erwin say? How will they deliver the news that his sister died and they didn't even got a chance to talk after that confrontation.

The squad eyes them confused when they said those words. "Commander's sister?"

"Hanji..." Levi eyed them furiously for saying it.

"Oh come in Levi do you think any of that matters now? Erein was planning to talk to his sister and now that will never happen. We don't even know where her body is! I mean..."

They sat back down, massaged their temples because of their outburst. Hanji breathes deeply and rested their head on their palms trying to calm down, there were tears streaking down their face. The room was once again silenced.

"There's too many deaths. I mean, how can the MPs turn their back on their own Captain." Hanji says in defeat.

"We cannot let this slow us down." Levi suddenly says, masking his grief. He slid the letter across the table and gave it to Hanji.

"Is this-"

"From Raven." Levi said as Hanji began to read the letter. "She said so herself, the Military police is after Eren and Historia." He explained.

"Levi.." Hanji utters as she stares at the letter. Everyone looks at them in question.

"Raven, she mention a name right here." They pointed at the blood splatter in the middle of the letter. The one with the K on it.

"Nate said that Raven was being tortured when she gave him the letter that explains the blood splatters." Armin says in a silent tone.

"I tried, but I couldn't make out the name no matter how many times--"

Levi's sentence was cut off when a red haired girl suddenly busted inside the house. "Captain Levi, Commander Erwin ordered me to give you this." She says as she hands him the letter.

Levi took a quick glance. "We have to go now. Leave no traces that we were here."


They all managed to escape before the military police stormed the house they were staying in. The girl has explained to them how the survey corps expeditions has been froze until the Military police gets Eren and Historia.

"That's exactly what Raven warned us about. We have to do something." Hanji says. The girl also mentioned that the police came and arrested Erwin before she left.

They all began to discuss the plan. Captain Levi's squad will take Eren and Historia to trost district, while Hanji and Moblit will go after Erwin.

They all prepared to head out but just as Hanji was about to climb onto their horse, Levi came up to them and snatched the letter from their grasp, that was the last thing Raven gave to him. It was his, and he shall treasure it until death.

"Make sure you tell Erwin what happened." He said. Hanji was confused by his actions.

"L-Levi, I was actually planning on giving that to Erwin. I figured--"

"No." He said stoically before he left with the letter.


A/N: Another update coz we ranked #1 on Attack on titan!😱😱 Thankyou all!

A/N: Another update coz we ranked #1 on Attack on titan!😱😱 Thankyou all!

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