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My eyes were wide in shock and terror upon seeing Jean covered with his own blood. I tried my best to aid him using the only cloth I had in my pocket and placed on his bleeding throat with a shaking hand.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I yelled angrily at the girl infront of me.

"I got rid of him for you...." She says as her face softens. "Don't you see? I was doing the right thing to keep you away from dying, He was clearly in the way of me protecting you!"

"That's why I drugged your food, so you can sit that one out. I don't want you to go on that expedition Miss Tanya, it's too dangerous." I saw a tear escaped her eyes. "I just want to keep you alive, cause I love you."

I couldn't believe the words I was hearing. At some point I already knew because of Armin, but I didn't think she'd act on it this quick. I felt so ashamed. It's okay if this shit happened to me but no. It happened to Jean. He's hurt because of me.

The ringing inside my head came back, being blinded with rage is not something I'm used to, but right now, I didn't care about anything. I took the knife hidden on my thigh. I clenched my teeth.

"You psycho."


Third person's POV

The squad was ramaging the whole headquarters trying to look Rosie or Jean who was second on the list. Seeing Captain Levi alive was a relief for them, but Jean was nowhere to be found.  That frightened them.

Mikasa, together with Eren and Armin met with Sasha and Connie in front of the library after checking the dorms.

"Did you guys find any of them?" Sasha asked while catching her breath. Armin let out a sigh of disappointment.

"No, we didn't. We even tried looking for them outside, nothing." Eren answered and glanced around.

"Where's Tanya?" Just as when Eren was about to ask that same question, another voice appeared. It was Captain Levi who had his stoic face on but darkened upon seeing that Tanya wasn't here.

"We assumed she was with you," Mikasa answered confusedly. She looks at him together with Hanji but it seemed like none of them saw Tanya for a while.

Levi's heart beats uncontrollably, not only that Tanya wasn't here, there's a high possibility that she encountered Rosie. He wasn't worried that Rosie could hurt her, he's worried that Tanya would kill her. If she does, then there's no way in hell they could escape Darius Zackly's wrath. It was all for Tanya's welfare.

Levi's thoughts were disrupted when they heard a loud metal sound as if a wok just flew crashing to a wall.

The cafeteria. They all thought at the same time. The squad ran like there's no tomorrow until they reached the dining hall and saw the terrifying scene.

Jean's body was resting on the table covered with his own blood, there was a white cloth pressed on his throat that was soaked red, and Tanya was on top of a girl who's face was beyond recognition as she held her knife in the air prepared to struck Rosie's heart.

"Jean!" Armin yells as both of him and Hanji rushes to his aid, still in shock of the sight.

"Tanya don't." Levi tried his best to stop her, but Tanya was furious, she was too consumed with rage.

"Why the hell not?!" Tanya snapped, not wanting to hesitate ending the girl's life.

Levi hated Rosie to the core because of what she did, including what she did to Jean. But if it meant getting rid of her means getting rid of Tanya too then, he'd rather let Rosie live.

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