53 [Special Chapter]

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What Ifs

'If only I didn't bother to get to know them four years ago. I wonder what could've been like, maybe I would've been fine. I'd still be controlled by my grandfather but alteast I'd be alive, and I wouldn't know what it's like to be betrayed.'

What if I chosen a different path?

I was sitting beside the blonde haired boy, next to him was the brunette and the girl with dark black hair. I felt something light fell near my foot, I didn't bother picking it up.

I ignored their presence and waited until we got to the barracks.


I got to the girls dorm with the black haired girl walking behind me. I entered and they were introducing themselves to each other. I sighed exasperatedly to myself, I hate this kind of shits.

"Oh hi! You're from south of wall rose too right? I'm Sasha Braus, what's your name?" The brunette girl asked, lending her hand. I just kept a stern face.

"You're in my way." I stated coldly, ignoring her question. She was slightly taken aback by my reply. I don't feel the need to introduce myself. I'm here for the mission, that's it.

"Sorry, I hope we can be friends. You know, when you finally tell me your name." She chuckles nervously before stepping aside. I ignored her and went for the corner bunk.

"Hey Sasha! We're going to see the grounds, you wanna come?" The blonde haired girl beside the tall freckled brunette asked. I didn't notice the Sasha girl was still standing there when I left her. It's like she wanted to approach me, but, she decided not to and went with them anyway.

"You don't like associating with anyone." I heard someone that made me turn my head. A blonde girl whose hair was tied in a messy bun said as she was also unpacking her clothes.

I went back to doing my thing. "No. I don't."

"I get it. That makes two of us," She said then looked at me.

"Annie." She introduced herself without lending a hand. Now that's more like it.

"Raven." I answered. She gave me a small nod. I don't know why I even bothered introducing myself to her after ignoring that brunette. But Annie, she had this look in her eyes, like she was sent here for a reason. A different reason. So I guess, that makes two of us.


It's been five hours of running, and my anger for that Shadis has been boiling up that I want to slit his neck. I groaned realising that I can't do that. If I do, I'd be jeopardizing my mission. I saw Sasha fell on her knees, she was panting like crazy. I decided if I should help her or not...

I shook my head and continued my laps. Nothing good will happen if I help her, might as well just ignore it.

I ran for 18 hours and didn't stop until Shadis said so. When I finally did, I held on my knees and caught my breath. The cadets were gathered on the porch and looking at me as if I was crazy.

"She didn't even collapse on the field."

"That's Hardcore."

"What were you thinking? You should've just gave up. Look at you, you're exhausted. " The blonde girl from yesterday who I think the name was Christa handed me a water bottle while I was busy panting.

I knotted my eyebrows at her, why is she being nice to me? She doesn't even know who I am, and I was pretty rude to her friend.

"It's a pride thing." The only thing I said before shoving them lightly so I can pass through, and ignored them again, even their worry calls on 'what if I pass out'.

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