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A jealous idiot

I stayed on her bedside as I held her hand, I never left since last night's incident. How could I have been so blind?

Jean was always with her because she wasn't feeling well those days. She tried to talk to me, winning me over that could've burdened her health much more, I didn't even realize she was in pain. I should've been there for her.

I should've been the one who held her hair back when she was vomiting, I should've been the one who took her to the infirmary and made her stay there. I know Tanya's stubborn as a rock when it comes to getting treated, that's why she escaped when Jean first brought her here.

I gazed at her pale face once more and removed some strands of her hair away from her lip, it was clear she still doesn't feel well. The nurse now put on a dextrose to inject the medicine she needs in order to feel better. Just by looking at her wrist makes me fold in guilt. Damn it, Levi. You really are an idiot.

"Any progress?" I heard Erwin's voice as he went inside the room. It's clear he was distressed by what happened and confused, just like me, he had no idea this was happening.

"She's still unconscious." I answered plainly, not removing my hand from hers. He let out a tired sigh.

"Alright, I have her results." The nurse walked from her lab then turned her attention to me, then Erwin. "This is a slightly peculiar case, can I speak to a relative first?"

"That's me, I'm her brother. And whatever it is, you can say it infront of Captain Levi." Erwin said with his authoritative tone.

The nurse nodded. "Very well. Uhm, I honestly don't know how this happened but, there is something mixed in her food that caused this. It's not a typical poison, more like a drug that makes someone vomit but not strong enough to kill a person." She explained. So it wasn't any accident, someone is after Tanya.

My grip on her hand tightens as my body fills with rage. I swear to god I'll kill whoever did this.

"So, someone wants her to be sick but not want her dead?" Erwin asked in a confused tone. That doesn't make any sense at all.

"Unfortunately, yes." The nurse said and closed her notes. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. Although we might have to monitor whoever is handling the food, specifically, her meals." She says before she made her way out as Erwin thanks her.

"I might have to reschedule the expedition." I heard Erwin say as he wore his cloak, I just looked at him waiting for his next words.

"We're gonna have a thorough investigation on this matter." Erwin said in a serious tone. I nodded in agreement before he made his way out. I have to find the person who's responsible for this. I gazed back at her, but I can't leave Tanya here alone. What if the person who did this paid her a visit? Things could go sideways really fast considering she's still unconscious.

I was knocked away from my thoughts when I felt a movement on my hand. My eyes widens when I saw Tanya's fingers move, she's awake. I sighed in relief.

Her eyes slowly opens and adjusted to the light, when she realised where she was, she immediately to her senses and tries to stand.

"Careful, you're still not well." I said, that's when Tanya then realised I was here with her.

"Oh, so we're talking now?" She said sarcastically and yanked her hand away from me as she sat up.

I sighed. Just what I thought would happen.

"Look, I'm sorry." I stated in defeat. She just crossed her arms and waited for me to continue. Crap, she's gonna make me say it.

"The reason I avoided you, was because," I trailed off and scratched my nape. I felt nervous because of the way she looks at me. I never felt this way before. Damn it. I am humanity's strongest soldier, why the fuck am I afraid of her?

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