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Wall Maria: Swallow your pride for the sake of humanity

"Oi." In a blink of an eye, Jean's head banged against the table and Eren received a harsh kick in the stomach. Everyone's eyes widened upon seeing the girl with a scar on her eye. None of them were expecting her to show up and stop a fight.

'Just like back in the cadet corps." Armin thought.

In there Tanya stood with no emotion evident in her eyes. 'I didn't even want to stop the fight I just want to hit someone...'

"You're all too damn rowdy. Go to sleep." Ordered Captain Levi who was standing beside Tanya. Anyone who doesn't know them would think she's the superior one.

Which she kind of is.

Just as Jean was about to say anything, he barfed his dinner off.

"...And clean that up."

"Yes sir!" All the soldiers nodded as Jean began cleaning his mess, severely annoyed that this had to happen just as Tanya showed up. He wanted to talk to her, instead he got beaten up... Again.

The squad's face was a mess. None of them know where to start, how do they approach her without triggering her rage issues? She became different than before, back then she'd act cold before lashing out whenever She's angry but now, her moods are all over the place.

One time she's calm, then seconds later, she'd be craving to beat the shit out of Levi. The inside of her mind was a complete mess.

"Tanya, we saved this for you." Mikasa, who finally had the courage to stand says as she hands her a plate. Tanya raises her brow a bit since she was planning on skipping her meal, again.
The squad just reluctantly watched the interaction between the two.

As far as she could remember, Tanya did not hold a grudge against Mikasa, she did nothing wrong. But then again, they all did just watched as she was taken away, and Tanya did try to kill all of them not long ago. So why is she being nice?

Tanya brushed off the thoughts in her head, taking the plate from Mikasa and removed the cover, then she turned again to the girl.

".... There's a bite mark on it." Says Tanya, the crew mentally face palmed.

"Y-Yeah, Sasha kind of went ballistic earlier when she saw the meat." Mikasa says scratching her nape nervously.

'So this has been drenched with Sasha's drool...'

Tanya couldn't help but to let out a slight chuckle, hearing that coming from Mikasa, she remembered how crazy Sasha can be with it comes to food. Especially meat. So that's why she saw her tied up with a cloth in her mouth.

Suddenly, there came a wave of silence. Defeaning silence that surrounded the whole room. Even Hanji and Erwin who was on the other table heard it. Levi couldn't help but perk up upon hearing the most angelic thing.

She chuckled.

Tanya couldn't even believe she can still do that. After everything that happened. Being framed, betrayed, losing an eye, she didn't expect she can still let out a slightest laugh. But she did. Because of Sasha. 'I guess they haven't changed afterall.'

The Murderess | Levi x OCWhere stories live. Discover now