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She's only here to add salt to the wound

(Long ass title....I know.)

Levi felt his heart skipped a beat after seeing the girl who was sitting on Erwin's chair. All of them were in shock, but he was the one most affected by it. It felt so long since the past time he saw her and frankly even after all she did, he still wants her. He's tempted to run towards her and engulf her into a hug.

But there was something different.

The Tanya that was looking at them right now is smiling. Which Tanya never does unless she's really happy or she's torturing someone. But she shouldn't be happy in seeing them in the first place, they all knew that she's angry, and Tanya is a vengeful person. So this clearly is a facade.

The woman in front of them also had a different aura from her plus, she was unscathed. There are clearly signs of the slashes she got and her hand is perfectly there.

"Tanya.." One of them uttered in disbelief. The woman gave them a close eyed smile, raising her pointer finger and waved it playfully in disapproval.

Erwin's eyes widened as he took a step back, this did no go unnoticed by the group. "N-no..." He uttered. The squad was severely confused by the tension.

"Alexis?" Erwin said in disbelief, all these time, he thought she was dead. He heard it straight from his father, when Karpov died, the other twin was caught in the cross-fire. But how is she here, and more importantly, why is she wearing that Red cloak.

"Who?" Levi glared at the woman.

"Tanya's twin sister." Erwin answered that confused all of them Since when did Tanya have a twin sister? This came a shock to everyone in the room.

"W-wait, you have guys have a sister? How come Tanya never told us?" Hanji asked in confusion. Even her brother doesn't know why Tanya never spoke about her, just like what happened to Tanya's mother, Erwin decides to avoid all topics about her death in order to not make her feel uncomfortable. That's why he never asked about Alexis.

Erwin didn't like where this was going at all. It was surprising news to him that his other sibling is alive, but knowing that this was the person in the Red cloak who took Tanya, it's not gonna end well in any way.


She couldn't help but giggle at their reaction. The squad was taken aback by her smile and her soft tone.

She's definitely not Tanya. But then, they immediately thought a ton of questions about the girl's presence.

As Levi analyzed everything that was happening, and Eren being Eren rushed to the scene.

"You're the person in the Red cloak! Where is Tanya?!" He exclaimed attempting to walk towards the desk and slam his hand against it when Alexis spoke.

"Young man, I won't do that if I were you." She chuckles lightly then pointed on the edge of room. They all followed it with their eyes, there was a bomb clipped on the side of the room like ones on the thunder spear and was attached to a transparent thread. Connected to it is also clipped with a bomb on the other side of the room, there were five, acting as a barrier between them and Alexis. One wrong move, they'll blow up into pieces.

"The hell?" Jean immediately stepped back when he saw the bombs on the side of the room. It was carefully planned. They guessed at some point, she really is related to Tanya.

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