Chapter Eighteen: A Lesson On Mystic Souls

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Harry was not sure if he was nervous or excited or wanting to rip out his hair out of frustration. While he wanted to see Krinos's school, he did not think that it was a good idea for all of Hogwarts to go to Crystal Rose as well. From the short time that he had seen interactions between wand-users and mystic souls, he knew that there was no getting along between them. 

Plus, Harry also worried about what would happen between them once those like Draco Malfoy or even Ron and Hermione opened their mouths and say something that they should not say. Hermione certainly did not know how to keep her opinion to herself when it came to how she does not believe that mystic souls exist. Krinos may be able to keep his temper in check, but that probably was not the same for every student at Crystal Rose.

And with the large number of students that probably attended there, there were certainly many things that could go wrong. And with the demons that Krinos had told Harry about, there were also some life-threatening things that could happen as well. Not that he thought that any demon would be able to get past Krinos and his plants.

But yet at the same time, there was also the opportunity to learn and see such amazing things. Harry wanted to see more of Krinos's nature magic, not to mention finally getting to meet his sister, Melody, with her musical magic. He bet that she could probably sing just as amazing as her brother. He loved music and wished that there were ways that he could listen to it at Hogwarts. Especially since the only music that was at Hogwarts was the Frog Choir and the school song at the beginning of the year. Neither of which was the type of music he thought was actually good. He preferred muggle music to it all. And given Krinos's choice of song, he figured that was his preferred choice as well.

Plus, he also wanted to actually see what the castle looked like. The pictures in the books that he had been reading were not the best. The most he could tell was that it was a very large building with a lake close by and forest surrounding it. But yet it also was obviously different from how Hogwarts looked even if the landscape was similar. 

He wanted to learn so much about the magical school and its students. Just from meeting Krinos and Olivia, he already knew that the school produced some amazing students.

The school had their usual feast before everyone was sent off to their common rooms and dorms for the night. All anyone could talk about was the field trip to Crystal Rose. Since almost no one had ever heard of the Greek school, they were all curious about it. And those that did know about the mystic soul school did not seem to be sharing that detail. Probably out of fear of what that bit of information might cause.

The Gryffindor students were all gathered in their common room. None of them could even think about going to bed when there was so much to talk about. Hary was worryingly talking with Neville and the twins. He and the twins had seen the hostility toward mystic souls with their own eyes, from the twins' own mother and younger siblings no less, so they knew that something could and probably would go wrong.

"Okay, I know that Dumbledore is a few cards short of a deck, but has he actually lost his mind," Harry whisper yelled at his three friends. "Why would he ever think that Hogwarts going to Crystal Rose would be a good idea?"

"It certainly can not actually be about helping students learn," Fred says.

"Yeah, Dad and Bill have both said how he has been removing classes since he became headmaster," George said.

"There used to be classes for Magical Art, Alchemy, Law, Languages," Fred listed.

"Spell Crafting, Healing, Enchanting, and even a Magic Studies class like the opposite of Muggle Studies," George added to the list.

"But the classes slowly started vanishing once Dumbledore came into the headmaster position," Fred said.

"As if he does not want students to actually learn anything worthwhile," George says.

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