Chapter Forty-Five: A New Teacher And Friend

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"You really are doing very well, Harry," Krinos tells his friend/student.

"Thanks, Krinos," Harry smiled at him. "I never would have gotten this far with my powers if it wasn't for you."

"Nature and weather might be completely different powers, but the basics of being a mystic soul are all the same no matter what powers we have," Krinos says.

"You've also gotten advice from Hawk as well, haven't you," Harry smirked since he guessed that Krinos had some help when it came to his "lessons."

"I was not trying to hide the fact that I did get advice from him," Krinos chuckled. "Hawk would have helped you, himself, but he has been helping some of the new harpy students that had started this year."

"I understand," Harry says. "I think it's really sweet of him to help the younger harpies adjust to the school."

"Hawk is like a big brother to a lot of us," Krinos tells him. "Even to those that are older than him, he really is a big brother at heart. Which is ironic given that he is an only child."

"Even those that have siblings can still treat others like younger siblings," Harry chuckles. "I know that Fred and George definitely treat their younger friends as younger siblings."

"And yet they treat you completely differently," Krinos smirked. "I see the way that they look at you, Harry. They are very fond of you but not in a sibling way."

Harry blushed quickly because of Krinos's teasing. He had definitely discovered from his time with Krinos and Melody that the two of them really were like siblings to him. They had taken him under their wings, metaphorically speaking given that there were a ton of students there with actual wings. Krinos may spend more time with him, but Melody was the sister he always wanted. And given that both of them had dark hair just like him, maybe in another life, they would have been his siblings.

"I would hate you if you were not such a good person," Harry tells him.

"You know that you love me," Krinos says. "Besides, I know you like them back. Is it so hard to maybe give them a shot? Magical people are a lot more open to those types of relationships, Harry."

Harry blushed even more. "I...I do like them. There is nothing about them that I don't like. Even during some of the worst times of my life at Hogwarts, they always made me smile. Which is good considering how often my life has been in danger at Hogwarts."

"You worry me when you say things like that," Krinos stated. "I have the urge to wrap you in bubble wrap and lock you in a padded room."

"No wonder you and Sirius get along so well," Harry chuckled. "You both have the same protective urges."

"You can not blame me," Krinos says. "After all, you have been through similar things that I have. Anyone that lost their parents in ways that we have would be protective."

"I have been telling you that people have said that I have a saving people thing," Harry said.

"Being protective is good," Krinos says. "After all, it means that you are a good person. I have seen plenty of people willing to run away and leave other people out to dry. It's such a shame."

"I have seen that a lot of times," Harry said. "By the way, how did you know that I liked the twins?"

"It's called having eyes," Krinos chuckled. "Also, as soon as I mentioned the twins, you caused that to happen."

Harry blushed as he saw what his powers had done. Given that he was still working on making personal storm clouds, he had been testing his powers to practice changing the weather of the clouds. Such as going from rain to snow to hail to other types of weather. But now, the clouds were gone and there was a mini rainbow instead. And Harry only blushed even more when he saw Krinos smirking.

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