Chapter Three: Crashing An Order Meeting

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"Now, does anyone have anything they would like to add," Dumbledore asked the group.

Usually, no one had anything to say and if they did, Dumbledore usually waved them off. It was like he actually believed that only he could come up with good ideas. Well, that was not going to happen this time. Sirius cleared his throat, bringing attention to him.

"I actually have found a very powerful allie that could be a great asset to the Order," Sirius says, shocking everyone else.

Snape scoffed. "As if you could ever do anything. You're as useless as ever, Mutt."

"Maybe you need to learn to shut your mouth before I shut it for you, Snivellus," Sirius glared at the Death Eater.

"My dear boys, stop fighting," Dumbledore says, not even bothering to scold Snape for his blatant insults. "Now, Sirius, how could you have found an allie when everyone outside this house believes you're a murderer?"

"Nice of you to bring up my illegal incarceration that you still have not done anything to correct, headmaster," Sirius said. "But just because people in this country believe that does not mean other countries believe it as well."

Most of the Order looked like they wanted to yell at Sirius for his backhanded comment about Dumbledore not doing anything to clear Sirius's name. But before they could, a portal erupted open behind the head of the Black family. It was a swirling vortex of blue and white energy. And out stepped a twenty-four-year-old woman.

Out of the portal came Olivia Gardna. She was in her regular outfit that Sirius had seen from a picture that Krinos had sent him of the Gardna family. The outfit was a knee-length white lace dress with a fuzzy blue and red poncho over her shoulders. She had curled her dirty blond hair and wore blue and red go-go boots. Over her eyes were a pair of blue shades with red rims.

"Wow, this place could really use a splash of color," was the first thing that came out of her mouth.

Sirius had to fight to keep himself from laughing. He may have not met Krinos's sister yet, but he had a feeling that she was just as sarcastic and sassy as her brother and cousin. The rest of the Order instantly shot to their feet and aimed their wands at the unexpected visitor.

But Olivia did not seem to be threatened in the least. She actually yawned and lazily flicked her hands at the Order. In an instant, all of them froze. But not in ice, more like they had suddenly been petrified but with no time to react at all.

"Wow," Sirius gasped, being the only one not frozen. "When Krinos said you could freeze people in time, I don't think I fully believed it until now."

"That tends to happen when people first learn of my powers," Olivia giggled. "Glad I could be your entertainment for this meeting."

"Is everyone in your family this sarcastic and sassy," Sirius could not help but ask.

"Pretty much, yes," Olivia shrugged. "Nice to finally meet you face-to-face, Sirius."

"Likewise, Olivia," he shook her hand.

"So, give me the lowdown of everyone here," Olivia said. "Be nice to know the names of the people I am going to try and slap some sense into. Can I actually slap some of them, please?"

"Slap, Snivellus as much as you like," Sirius smirked. "Anyway, the two redhead adults are Molly Weasley and her husband, Arthur. She is basically a banshee without a magical scream and he has a hard time standing up to her. The guy with lots of scars if Mad-Eye Moody. He was an Auror for more years than I've been alive but is also very paranoid. Then there is Nymphadora Tonks, Emmaline Vance, and Hestia Jones, all of them are Aurors that seem to think all things Slytherin and dark need to be against the law. The big black man is..."

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