Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Sometimes I had dreams of you where you never woke up.

Summer went by fast. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Maria, Lana, and Nicole all planned something every single day to keep me busy. I appreciated it; I don't think I would have fared well without them. Still, late at night, when everyone was fast asleep, I thought about Robbie, and it made my heart hurt. The days I managed to sleep, I work up with puffy eyes, a dry mouth, and a headache.

A breakup hangover is what I called it.

My mom was worried about me. She got the twins and me a dog. A curly-haired white terrier that I named Lady, she was a protective pup and became my shadow when I was home. Never leaving my side and sleeping on my bed every day.

The last day before I went back to New York, my mom was in a sour mood. Between the car accident, my post-break-up depression, and the divorce, she felt I would be safer with her in Miami. Maybe she was right. Still, a part of me who worked so hard last year and spent countless hours studying did not want to give up.

I decided to escape to Maria's Miami Beach apartment, where she and Lana stayed for the past month. The building led to a private beach where we could lay out on the sand and let the water lick our toes.

"Well, less than three weeks until we are back in hell," Lana said, taking a sip of her lemonade slushy on a particularly sunny day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. I covered the sun with my book as I lay next to her on the sand.

"Not me," Maria said, smiling.

She had been very excited about starting college. She had her own apartment in the city and was really looking forward to having us over. "No psychopathic grandparents allowed Lia, I promise," She said as she showed me the floor plan. It was small, a one-bedroom with tiny living space and kitchen. Her favorite part was the outdoor garden that had views of central park.

Lana's phoned beeped, and we flipped to our stomachs. I rested my face on the pages of my book.

"I'm kind of looking forward to being back. Senior year is supposed to be fun, right?" I asked, turning my head to look at Maria.

This was a lie. I wasn't looking forward to school events. I was mainly looking forward to school being a distraction. I was taking six APs, and hopefully, they would require hours of focus. Which was the perfect remedy to not thinking about my ex-boyfriend.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun, you know, minus the ulcer I got from stressing while planning for 7 different events," Maria said, stirring the ice in her cup with her straw.

"Did you really get an ulcer?" I asked, looking at her, "Those are actually caused by bacteria, not stress. You should get that checked out," I said, doggy earring the page I was on.

"I was being dramatic, Lia," Maria said, shaking her head, "I'm going to miss your nerdy self."

"I know whose going to tutor you in math?" I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

"You, duh. You guys better come over often. I just bought a California king bed, so we can all snuggle."

Maria had never lived by herself before, and I think she was nervous about it. She was the type of person that hated alone time. She always needed to have a friend nearby.

"I will definitely be over so you could plan the events for me," Lana said, giving her a toothy grin.

"Um, no, thanks, I passed that baton on to you, and you can keep it. I never want to see it ever again," Maria replied.

Forget Me (Adore You Pt. 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें