Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"What do you want, Liam?"

"Can I sit?"

"It's a public rock do you can do whatever you want," I said, ignoring him and going back to my book.

I felt him sit down beside my head. According to Abigail, he was starting Brown next week, and while I felt terrible for the entire state of Rhode Island, I also said good riddance. His absence also meant I could hang out with Abigail more often. It was a win in every way.

I violently turned the page in my book. He was allowed to sit where he pleased, and I was allowed to passively-aggressively tell him he can fuck off.

"I'm sorry," he said.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, and continued reading.

"Lia," he said, and when I didn't answer, he tried again.


Oh my goodness, would he take a hint? I took my earphones from my skirt pocket and placed them in my ear, and searched for music on my phone.

"Stop Lia, please listen," he said, putting his hand over mine to stop me from playing music and drowning out his stupid voice.

"Don't touch me,"

"I'm serious. Please," He begged.

"I'm serious too, don't touch me. I will scream in a public park, and you're going to feel really uncomfortable."

Lia, I'm really sorry. You were nothing but kind and a good friend to me. I really did care about you. I just...I fucked everything up."

I bit the inside of my cheek and used the tiny bit of willpower I had left not to punch him. Instead, I started prying his fingers off my phone.

"No, listen. My family life is —complicated. It's violent at times, and I have a lot of anger. I got jealous when I saw you guys on that trampoline, and then his grandmother noticed I was upset, and she's really fucking manipulative."

I sat up at that, "What?" I said, frowning at him.

"I know it's no excuse for what I did."

"Well, you're right about that," I scoffed.

"I know Lia, but if I can explain, I mean, you know how things are at my house you're friends with my sister."

I looked at him in the eyes, "No one has a perfect life, Liam; you can't treat people like shit because of it. Everyone has trauma."

He sighed.

"I accept your apology," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "But it doesn't mean anything if you're going to continue being like that."

"I'm trying not to."

"Try harder. You have money, get therapy, lord knows I would if I could afford it."

We stayed in silence for a moment.

"Can we be friends again?" He asked.

I scrunched my nose and frowned.

"Again? When were we ever friends? You lied to me throughout our entire relationship. You might have liked me as a person, but I have no idea who you are. So, no, we can't be friends again because we were never friends."

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