Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

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After Noah dropped me off, I spent the rest of the day nursing a hangover in my room. I had homework I needed to catch up on, but the thought of doing any thinking made me want to barf the little food I was able to eat.

Don't ever drink again—duly noted.

Aside from feeling as if my body hated me, I felt awful. I felt a horrible sense of shame when I thought about everything that happened the night before. At least what I could remember. Which, while not much, were, of course, the most mortifying parts.

They kept playing in my head on a loop I was forced to watch. I felt like the main character in a Clockwork Orange when they strap him to a chair and force his eyes open in front of the movie screen. I could see myself throwing myself on Robbie. Forcing him to kiss me. Geez. I threw my pillow over my face and wished that smothering myself was an actual possibility.

I could hear his—whatever the fuck she was— disgusted that I was on the bathroom floor losing my dinner in his toilet.

When Noah dropped me off, he looked at me as if I were a monster. A liar. A heartless bitch. I couldn't even look at him because I didn't want him to ask me what happened last night. I didn't even know what I would tell him. Everything was a weird blur, and it was hard to focus on anything specific.

I pushed the pillow harder into my face.

I was a liar. I lied to everyone, including myself. If I didn't lie, I would have to face everything I was trying to avoid. I was struggling in school, that I use Noah to get over Robbie, and that it doesn't work.

Maybe I should stop. Maybe Lana was right.

This obsession wasn't healthy. I sat up, suddenly remembering what I heard yesterday in the cooler. I reached across my bed to grab my purse lying on my desk and took out the envelope with the receipt inside. It was a wrinkled mess from both being in Robbie's pocket and then the humid bathroom floor.

I flattened out the wrinkled receipt and stared at the address. This was possibly the answer we had been looking for. I didn't want to get ahead of myself, but this address could potentially be the first step to finding a solution for Robbie's family.

The first house was four hours away. I remember he said Wednesday.

I called Maria and waited impatiently as the phone rang. I would have to go after school. I was already on a tightrope with my scholarship, and I couldn't miss class. If I were sent back to Miami, I really wouldn't be able to do anything.

"Hey," she said when she picked up.

"I found the hummer," I blurted out.

"You what?!"

"At your house during the party."

"Are you sure? Why didn't you tell me? Where?"

"It was in a garage," I said.

"A garage? Like where my car is? You were really fucked up. You still haven't told me why I have a bloodstain courtesy of Noah on my grandmother's throw pillow."

"Yes, I am sure, and no another garage; it was huge. Bigger than where you and Robbie keep your cars. There's a hallway that leads to it; it's somewhere around the pool house; I can't remember well."

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