Chapter 17 (Lana)

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Chapter 17


Senior year was supposed to be my year. I had it all planned out. I would date the hottest guys in the city; I would travel to exotic places on the weekends in my dad's g5. I even made a mood board in 9th grade to keep my morale up when school sucked. It was not going as planned.

Maria, the ever so skillful manipulator, dropped all of the committee responsibilities on my lap just as we got to my house on prom night. I was trying for weeks to avoid this from happening. She had to appoint someone new, and as the granddaughter of one of the main benefactors for the school, she had a lot of pressure on her to make a good choice.

After all, she would probably be eating dinner with Trinity alumni and benefactors until her grandmother kicked the bucket, and I had a feeling that lady would outlive us all.

Maria was good at getting what she wanted. I'll hand it to her. She knew exactly when to do it. My mom was making us pancakes before bed and sat down to eat with us.

She dropped the bomb before I could take my first bite. She knew my mother would push the idea, and she knew that I wouldn't be able to say no once that happened.

She was also right; it would look good on my college application. There were three guaranteed students accepted into Harvard every year from Trinity. It was an agreement the top Ivy's had with our school. The student council president, Sofia, was going to be one for sure. She had her eye on that prize since we were in first grade and the added bonus of her stepfather, who worked in the admissions office. That left two guaranteed spots. Robbie was possibly going to snag one. Although, that might change this year, with how much class he's missing.

Then it was between Lia and me. I thought I lost my chance when she said she would apply for early admission. She would have grabbed it for sure. A minority with a 4.0 on a scholarship and a top athlete? It's Harvard's wet dream. I wanted to apply early, but I needed to add another year of tennis to my application. Abigail really did a number on me when she kicked me out of almost every fucking committee and dance. It was either omit or explain what happened on my common app. How do I explain I had a sex scandal during my sophomore year?

Lucky for me, Lia did not turn in the application. Something about wanting to consider other avenues.

You do that, sister. You do that.

She was my friend, and I loved her. But I wanted that third spot. Plus, sometimes, they gave the fourth spot to a waitlisted student. I couldn't take that chance.

I needed to prove them wrong. Everyone believed I was a mess. I party, sleep around, and know how to get white-girl wasted and shake my ass. I am not the average Harvard contender.

Unless you looked at me on paper. My grades have never fallen below a 4.0, and I missed a perfect score on my SAT by 20 points.

I was given so many answers, tests banks, and opportunities just because they underestimated me. My GPA was my little secret, and everything was set.

Of course, all good things come with a cost; between keeping my GPA up and planning the endless events at trinity, I barely had time to sleep.

I wondered briefly how Robbie did this. Have a job, get straight A's, manage to have perfect skin. He even flew out yesterday to work even more. Maybe he was a Robot.

I was not as lucky. I had two zits and had to put a lot more concealer under my eyes. Also, because apparently, I'm now also a masochist, I agreed to teach Lia how to dance. I hated myself once the words slipped out my mouth. It's not that I don't want to help Lia. It's just my plate is very full. If she would let me, I'd just pay for her tuition and call it a day.

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