Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Justin picked me up promptly at seven. He wore a rust-colored long sleeve t-shirt that almost matched the color of his hair and black jeans. When I stepped out to meet him, I looked around, and he let out a laugh.

"Subway, okay?" He asked.

I blushed and nodded. I don't know why I had expected a car and felt embarrassed that I was surprised he didn't have one.

"For the record, I take public transportation daily," I said.


"Even when I dated Robbie. He even took public transportation with me."

"Okay, you're the subway queen; I never doubted you."

I blushed, "that's not what I meant."

"Lia, I don't care if you came every day on the Bennetts private helicopter. I promise the judgment does not come from my end."

I relaxed a bit after he said that, and we made small talk on the way to the party. Oliver lived in Brooklyn, In the Crown Heights neighborhood. It took us about an hour to get there.

Justin was easy to talk to. I could see why he was so popular and had been elected student council president despite being a scholarship student.

When we got to the party, I suddenly felt nervous.

Our entrance was met with a resounding "Justin!" Everyone was so excited he was there, followed by a lower-toned "hi Lia," with everyone looking away awkwardly.

I suddenly felt like an intruder.

The party was bigger than I thought it would be. Justin made it seem like an intimate gathering of the Brighter Futures club, but I saw some faces I knew weren't part of the club. I also recognized some kids from the local charter school McMillan. Some of them used to play lacrosse with Liam. They also loved to crash most of the parties Trinity threw.

"Hey, guys, did you know Lia is from Miami?" Justin said, helping himself to a slice of pizza.

"Where did you move to?" One of the girls asked.

"The Bronx."

"So what is that, like a reverse JLo?" Another asked.

I paused, "Yeah, I guess that's true," I said, never having really thought of that.

"Do you play Mario Kart Lia?" One of the boys asked. He later introduced himself as Johnathan.

"Not often, but I have little brothers."

"Take a seat; we're playing drink and drive," he said, patting a beat-up ottoman.


"You don't make it on the podium. You have to drink a beer and finish it before your next turn is over," he explained.

Eww, I thought to myself.

"Guys, why don't you show her how to play first, and then maybe she'll join you the next round?" Justin offered.

I opened my mouth to protest.

"Don't worry, they'll be so drunk by the time they're done they will have completely forgotten that you said would play the next round. That's how I always get out of it. I've owed them a round since last year."

"Thanks," I said.

"Beer?" He asked, holding one up.

"Sure," I answered, wrapping my fingers around the sweaty bottleneck. I didn't really want one, but I felt saying no would be antisocial. Especially when Justin had just saved me from a worse fate.

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