Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

A/N Hey guys I would really appreciate it if you could vote on my chapters (the little star) once you are done reading it- or even before (and if you haven't if you could go back and do so). I do this for free and getting votes (and comments) is how we get any recognition. Thank you! Hope you enjoy! 

Noah was right; his bike was a lot faster. Terrifying when he whizzed past cars on the highway, but we were there in three and a half hours.

The location was a small suburban town. The houses were sparse, and there was a lot of overgrown and dry grass in-between. We passed by some beat-up-looking homes and even more dilapidated cars.

The house that matched the address was an old-looking victorian that seemed as if it would tumble with a strong breeze.

"This is where your friend lives?" he asked me looking perplexed. 

"No. This is where the person I'm looking for is going to be."

"This place is going to get really creepy in a few hours," Noah said as he brought the bike to a stop, "are you going to sacrifice me Lia? I'm not a virgin."

"I didn't tell you to come, you can go back home if you're going to complain," I said, hopping off.

"I'm not complaining, just making a casual observation," he said, holding his hands up in his defense. "Also, I don't think anyone lives here." He said, picking at a paint chip on the leaning mailbox.

"Yeah. I agree."

"Do you want to go inside? It seems like it's going to fall apart any second, but I'm down."

"No. I just need to wait for someone."

"Your friend? Do you want to wait for them on the porch? Although that rocking chair looks like it will give you tetanus."

"I want to find a place to hide," I said, eyeing the patch of tall, thick grass in the distance. 

His head cocked to the side, "Okay, you have to tell me what's going on here, princess."

I ignored him and looked around for somewhere closer we could lay low. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, "like now."

I met his eyes and was surprised to find him looking at me with the most serious expression I had ever seen on Noah. His thick eyebrows were knitted together. His mouth was in a grim line. I didn't think Noah could ever take anything seriously, but I guess even he had his limits.

"Fine, but first, we need to hide your bike."

He groaned, "I just had to think the goth girl was cute," he muttered but climbed up on his bike anyway.

We rode down the empty neighborhood until we found a safe spot. The bike tucked away in a broken-down carport a block away, we walked back and searched for a spot where the grass was dense and tall.

"I wish we could get closer," I said, frustrated, looking to see if there was a better spot we missed.

"I think this is the best it's going to get if we want to stay hidden with a vantage point of the house," Noah said as he pulled my backpack off his shoulder.

"For fucks sake, why is your bag so heavy," he said, placing it between his legs and opening the zipper.

He took out my binoculars, a first aid kit, a notebook, a textbook I had to take home for homework later tonight, and the reading books I had packed.

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